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  1. #1

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu


    He threw himself down on the bed, and it was not long until he was in a similar foetal position. Still, his shoes were on and he lay there for some time before he growled and licked them violently off. With his supernatural strength in assistance they flew across the room and smashed into the cabinet, making a loud raucous that would have sent guards running - had he not ordered them to stay that night, no matter what.

    Naturally, he had never once been planning to tell her. Instead he had hoped that those feelings that had blossoming, and which he had only fully admitted to himself around three months prior, would die away, like his love for all mortality had once before. After coming here, and then suffering the loss of his pegasus Venesse fifty years , anger had struck. He lost his position in the army, learnt he had been betrayed and his flying beauty killed by the same side. Various attempts at relationships, reasoning methods, therapy sessions, but nothing had worked. All the years of anger for being tortured by his own divine father had flooded back and he had reverted to that base, natural way of thinking about mortals.

    As his tools.

    But it could only last for so long. First he had met an elf named Raevin who and made him see value in treating those he employed at least well - a pact of loyalty being the integral part. Second he had then met a kenku, whose mind he had invaded originally in order to control her, but who had now slowly begun to remember what being generous and benevolent was like.

    What it once was like. It had not changed that he still craved power more than anything, and that his obsession with her and made him take various large steps so that she would never be able to leave him. Nor ever.

    Grabbing a pillow he shoved it where it was most comfortable for his head. He then shrugged off his jacket, pausing to feel the weight of his dagger at his side, before he huffed and took that off also.

    Sable had been unusually willing to assist. When they had got back to the Hollow - because, they all had to admit it, a secret underground world was the safest place right now and he couldn't exactly just let Sable and Blaze go - Sable had quietly asked to speak with him. It had taken only a few seconds for her to admit trying to seek a way to destroy him in the bedroom, when she had found the slavery papers.

    But then she had offered something else. Something that nobody could have even suggested, as she overwhelmingly leaked empathy and pity over anything else.

    “I don't need to be pitied,” he had spat.

    “No, but you do need to know what it is like,” Sable answered back. “I may have come here, Sir Elssmith as another frightened girl but I have made myself learned and smart since coming here.”

    “And how the fuck does that help my issue that she will not speak to me?” He growled. “No thanks in part to you,” and he shoved a finger in her face.

    Sable ignored it gracefully. “It does not. However, I can at least give you something she clearly will not. It's the same room, right? I do not need to look like her but …”

    And he had stared like she was mad.

    “It's about respect,” Sable had explained. “You do not respect her as you should. You have been through hell, clearly, the last three weeks - but remember that she went through hell too. That you made her endure.”

    “I stopped as soon as I had any inkling of what she meant to me,” he had hissed.

    “Which is good, but you still stole her life. Like you've stolen mine,” she shrugged, confidently. “Now, Sir Elssmith, shall we?”

    And he had lain with her. He had treated he would a whore, spent a few gentle hours simply treating her well, stopping when she wanted, making love, but full of consent. No ropes, chains and certainly no cane that had been his icon. He had just opened himself to the idea that it could be, trusted himself to not harm this woman.

    Simple, basic sex was all it had been.

    Like a whore, he had used Sable, after the invitation had been from her. And it had been strange - but something he needed.

    Slowly he rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Tightening his jaw he focused himself, throwing his awareness away from the world - away from Stare, away from his repeated attempts to mentally connect to Ventrua, away from the rock on which he lived. Away from it he pulled, letting out a breath as it felt his presence left his body and suddenly he was floating upwards.

    Towards the ceiling - but that quickly melted away. And then he was reaching out, extending through time and space as his mental capacity, which was gaining traits akin to a god now, expanded in the freedom of bodilessness. Nay, he could not be omnipotent anymore - that was still beyond him - but at least he could feel and be aware of many more things. He cycled through what was a familiar path now and came to a small, awkward world which was taken up by half a continent and the other half ocean. A second flying landmass also hovered some distance above the seas, but it was still far smaller than the first. Vitruvion gazed at this world, his home world, for one long moment, letting out a sigh of loss, before he turned to the sky.

    There he was … or should he say ‘it’. Ansaldo, the being beyond the stars, a selfish god in a lonely world. All snow-white haired in this, the non-physical plane, with startling blue eyes and a defined jaw that was so similar to Vitruvion's aside from the fact it supported a short, styled beard.

    Currently he seemed to be watching a war, that likely he had begun. And as was familiar these past few months, he did not notice Vitruvion.

    Which was good. Stare was useful for many things, and this was one of them. Making him powerful enough to be able to come back here, undetected. For a while he loitered at the edge of Ansaldo's planet, hovering and knowing that now he could never be the disgusting, murderer of a god that Ansaldo could be. That building his kingdom of the Hollow on the model of Ansaldo's world had all been a great mistake. Force your people to become your subjects, that was how it worked of course.

    Vitruvion squared his shoulders before focusing on the being before him, and then rushed the mind. Quite easily, like other times, he slipped past Ansaldo's defences and made his way into the memories. From there he paused, looking around the halls before choosing an avenue.

    Today he would continue with learning about the more intricate matters of molecular biology.

    He settled and began to look at the strands of what Ansaldo called 'life strings’ but what Vitruvion had decided to name 'helixi exemplum vitae’ or the 'helixes that copy life’. He huffed and tried to rid himself of all the mortal world's worries by improving his ken.

    And tomorrow ... Tomorrow he would stay quietly in the same room as her, not moving even when she begged. Because he couldn't let her out of his sight now, not when all hope had been lost with Ventrua.

    He couldn't lose the one being that mattered more to him than his own happiness.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  2. #2
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
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    Amari L'Olfsden

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  3. #3

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    The god paused, breathing in slowly. He was silent for a moment.

    “Ventrua has disappeared. She failed to come home last night.”

    Stare gasped, surprised. She could not help it. For it was not what she had been expecting in the slightest. Ventrua was his half sister, and his first ally in coming to this planet, she was the one link Vitruvion had to his past life as a partially active god. She had known him before, and she knew him now, had followed him to Beinost and slowly become more and more distant over the past year as she determined to set out a life for her own …

    Yet despite that last, she was part of their small world, and always had been another possible victim of the ruinous plans of Vitruvion's brother, Vindrexis.

    “I'm sorry,” she said quietly, and not just for Ventrua. For her arguments up until that point, for her rudeness and her very flat disrespect in the way she had been speaking to him, despite who he was to her, wear he was to her.

    Vitruvion felt the extent of her apology through her emotions. Though he had not expressed much irritation of her defiance, aside from his guiding her down the corridor, there was a clear change in him. He relaxed slightly, rolled back his shoulders, and gave her a calm, polite nod, the smile on his face long gone.

    “I'm leaving you the safekeeping of everything until my return,” he said. “The businesses, and the projects. Zulon will assist, if you need, and I will be contactable.” Stare breathed in, understanding what he was saying. He was leaving her in charge - of it all. Not just those are was manager of, but the running of his entire world. It meant he was truly desperate, that he wanted to devote all of his time and energy to finding Ventrua, but also that he now trusted Stare to a greater extent than he had done before.

    “I need not say that this does not mean you can cause a revolution here. Your usual protocol remains, and as I said you are to-”

    “I'll need to go out if I am to still manage the businesses,” she said quickly, looking right into his eyes.

    He looked at her for a moment, pausing. “Fine, but you sleep here, and anywhere you go you take however many guards Zulon insists are necessary. Yes?”

    She stared at him, raising her brow.

    “Stare it is entirely for you protection. Refuse and-”

    “Fine,” she sighed, lifting her shoulders in a defeated shrug. “I accept your conditions.”

    “You are interrupting me a lot today,” he narrowed his eyes slightly and gestured at her none too kindly. “Work on that.”

    It was practically a command, and Stare would have debated it were it not for the situation he was in. Thus, she nodded just once, but showed her apprehension. He looked her over once, and smiled briefly, sadly gently caressing her feathers.

    “Hold my kingdom for me until I return, my steward,” he murmured.

    “Yes, sir,” she mumbled as her reply.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  4. #4

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    A week later.

    Note that the occurrence of Dune-Grass happen between these
    She had a new friend. And that felt good.

    A friend, if you could call him one. It was more of a brief acquaintance that she had met on a beach whilst considering her life. There had been very little between them in terms of a long conversation, or spending delightful amounts of weeks simply getting to know one another - but there had been smiles. And there had been rest. And there had been an eventually panicking voice of Zulon clumsily contacting her via her mind in a manner she had never known existed.

    Now she stood before her full length mirror at the mansion, holding up various formal tunics to her body. Over by the door Jordain watched with mild amusement, their brows raised.

    “Vitruvion owns a private booth,” Stare stressed. “Which is in plain view before a lot of the audience. If I was not dressed properly then decorum would be out the window and blue-eyed dickface would probably never forgive me. You know how obsessed he is with appearance.”

    “Aye, miss but you don't seem the type to be bothered with that yourself.”

    The black hard eyes of the kenku glared at the guard for a moment before shrugging and dumping the tunic she was currently supporting on the ground. Leaning back she snatched one up already discarded as being not ‘evening’ enough and she draped it over an arm. It was one that she commonly wore to business meetings with aristocrats and was ultimately 'smart’ as a fine black thing, straight cut with minor lace.

    “I don't, much. But walk into any meeting with one other manager and you're expected to wear the finest robes.” She huffed as she stretched, then nodded at the bathroom.

    “I'm going in there. You do not have to accompany me there.”

    Jordain rose their brow but shrugged. “I was not planning on it. But you did disappear for a whole day. Zulon said to keep an eye on you basically everywhere.”

    The kenku scowled in her eyes and did not respond before stalking away into the bathroom. Closing the door loudly behind her she set about stripping to her underclothes, then back up again. The use of having feathers was that they kept in a lot of sweat and smell so washing wasn't necessary any day. It was also a pain washing when one had plumage, for the amount of toweling that had to be done was ridiculous. Today was not a cleaning day. Rather, she has washed yesterday and could not be bothered going through the entire charade of wetting and drying her feathers. She had fought to also get her right to wash in the mansion, not wanting to use the bathroom that was more or less hers - the one in Ventrua's old room.

    Desperately, she had tried not to think of Vitruvion's missing sister. It was painful and worrying - something she did not need. The search had reduced Vitruvion down to such a ridiculous state - covered as she had seen him in dirt and unusual ripped clothing - that she had simply tried to keep herself busy. The days were filled with appointments that she did not really need to make, but did. Daily she was visiting Lament to ensure the young girl was at least safe. So far Gravelle had not come for her, but Stare knew only time would tell. Stare also tried to do what more good she could within the Hollow, encouraging the use of better food and hygiene, as well as beginning the conversation with Zulon about permanently liberating those down below the apartments, even if it was incorporated into their movement to another country. They were not wanted by the brothers and had been through the worse of the times.

    Quickly she changed, pulling on the tunic and setting a small silver chain with onyx beads around her neck. A thin grey sash made a belt. Stare stepped from the bathroom, fully clothed and was surprised to see Jordain gazing out of the window and not poised in case escape by Stare was possible. Or rather, plausible. Which it was not. Stare already knew that when Vitruvion came back she was going to be facing a storm of anger from him. But that had been her own acceptance for the hours of peace she had received.

    Jordain nodded once at Stare, before the kenku grunted and took up a small satchel and began to stuff further clothes into it. The guard made no comment, only stepped back and gestured to the door when it was clear Stare was done. Letting out a sigh Stare nodded in return before heading back out of the room, and towards the small cart that would carry her back to the Hollow.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  5. #5

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    She staggered as she landed, her feet weak and her body trembling. The floor beneath her was cold, but it was comforting as she unsteadily stumbled over it, reaching for the first piece of furniture she found. That was an armchair, and she hung off the back of it for dear life, her breathing and pulse capricious.

    Unsteadily she looked around her, glancing to see where he had sent her. Part of her hoped it was some wild garden where she could run and be free before he came after her, another part wanted it to just be a cold-barred cage, where she could curl up and starve herself. Instead it was a place that was familiar - the antechamber within the Hollow, with the fake fireplace and the door that led into his bedroom. Comfort and familiarity, but not as good as her bedroom in the mansion would have been. Carefully she sucked in her breath, trying to still the tears that were running in rivers down her face from eyes that had never cried since her liberation to the mansion.

    How long had he realised? How long had he denied his feelings for her before he finally opened up to them, admitted to himself and likely sworn never to tell her? Perhaps he had tried to pretend it was not true. Perhaps, when Sable had first said those words he had growled and shaken his head and threatened her. Because that was his way. That was what he usually did. He was a sadist, a demon of a god whom she abhorred to think had those sort of feelings for her, but whom she could now, most definitely, never get away from.

    Unless she left now. Now she could get a rest bite. Some minutes of running free before Brer found her and held her still again.
    At least the giant was back from his adventures of leading the security at the Celestial Brewery.

    She looked towards the door. It was not that far from where she currently stood, and it was emotions, not a lack of physical energy. Though in some ways they were one and the same. Stare had to find something within her, a might that was deep. She shook though, uncontrollably, as more tears wrecked her body, as life’s hardships became, in this moment, too hard to bare, as the knowledge that he had never told her … Ansaldo's balls beyond.

    The wall would do first. Summoning what courage she could she stood tall, and then pushed herself away from it. Two staggered steps took her over to the wall, which she slumped against. Swallowing tightly she tried to end the tears before rolling onto her side and using the wall as a support to head over to the door.

    Slowly, but surely, she made her way. Her claws scraped out and grasped at the handle. Using it as the newest crutch she leant on it heavily, tugging it open violently.

    Behind it were three guards, blinking at her. One was Granit, the dwarf she knew vaguely who smiled awkwardly at her. He had a crossbow supported readily in his hands.

    “Ah, Miss … Miss Stare …” he said with uncertainty. “You're …”

    Stare could see the other guards shifting anxiously and twisting to face her. Eyes narrowing past the wet she stared at them one by one, clearly an issue in their minds.

    “What is it?” she asked coldly.

    “Sir - Sir Elssmith said if we were to see you that … that we should not let you leave that room. That if you were elsewhere to take you to it and to … keep you in there until he was back.”

    So he had returned here, then gone to the theatre. Rather than look in her mind and make the connection again so quickly he had relied on instinct, been told where she truly was and ended up meeting here there. Clearly his plan had been to have her escorted her just in case she was wondering through some street somewhere.

    “I could take you all,” she growled darkly. “Kill you even. Right here and right now.”

    There were sharp breaths. She saw one of them grip the hilt of his sword tighter and another begin to lower himself into a ready fighting crouch. Granit, however, was the one to quickly speak.

    “I have no doubt you could Miss, but this is Sir Elssmith. I do not want to but we have been permitted to say it is an order.”

    Stare glared at them for a moment, her body trembling as she breathed in fury. She stood there, on the threshold of indecision as she faced a very temporary freedom against a direct command from her god. It took many things, including her own personal pain, to stop herself from wrecking agony on all of their bodies. An order. He had given them.permission to say it was an order. How dare he, in this circumstance. Even if he hadn't known it would come to this, she didn't care. How dare he, how fucking dare he!

    She slammed the door in their faces, then twisted sharply around. Finding a renewed strength in her anger she slumped over to the closest sofa and threw herself down on it. For a while she lay face-down, tangled in amongst the cushions and thinking about how much she hated her life right now, and how much she hated him. She let out her stare upon the cushions, causing skin death the thing that wasn't living before the discomfort became too much.

    Then she turned onto her side and faced the back of the sofa, lying there into the small hours, and the light of the candles all but ran out.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  6. #6
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
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    Amari L'Olfsden

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