Quote Originally Posted by Storm Veritas View Post
Day 5 (April 6)
Weight - 187.8 lbs

Another day with progress, I think. Life is so hectic right now it's just absurd. Constantly running errands and trying to get work in order, which is 100% herding cats right now. Way too many things to take care of, and my wife's car shits the bed. Since I work from home, that means she takes my car and I'm stuck trying to get the car fixed while managing all this other stuff. 'Tis bullshit.

The diet has become really easy. I can manage this with no problem, and I'm not hungry at all. No afternoon mega-pangs like I was suffering from. No big new temptations.

The first weekend is coming; that will be a battle. Been planning foods and I'm thinking tonight will be sashimi-style sushi with edamame. Looking forward to it.

Also, good news! Whiskey is carb-free and can be drunk on keto, which gives me a nice go-to with beer off the table for now.