Day 8 - (April 9)
Weight - 185.0 lbs

WEEK ONE TOTAL - (8.1 lbs)

What a morning! Nothing greets a fresh week like a damned-near two pound loss! Went to see the Black Panther last night at one of those restaurant/theater hybrids with my wife and Brother/Sister in law. Movie was great, and dinner was pretty awesome. Ended up with a Bacon Cheeseburger (no ketchup, no bun), and a side salad with full-fat Italian dressing. Had to grab myself some cashews when I got home because I was starving.

All told, it -DOES- feel like this diet dehydrates me quite a bit. When I run, my range is limited because I sweat like a priest on the playground. Powerade Zero has been nice - tasty, easy to drink fast and has some salts to replenish electrolytes rapidly with. I'm also now eating a simply incredible amount of spinach on a daily basis. Spinach, eggs, almonds, cashews, and just meat in general - these are my "go-to" foods that I just absolutely feast on.

My wife also made "coffee bombs", pre-made bullet coffee cubes. Simply, she melted and mixed coconut oil and Kelly Gold butter, added in a little Truvia/Stevia based pumpkin spice. You then pour the mix into flexible ice cube trays, and put them in the fridge. With a little hand blender, my daily coffee provides an extra energy burst, lots of flavor, and tastes fantastic. Look into this if you're considering Keto; it's really great.

Using the test strips, I am in full-blown ketosis and feel good. I've also already noticed a little firming; my love handles have become a little less generous, although my front belly fat is still about ten pounds away from giving up the fight.

Loving it!