Whatever Henry had expected in response to his words about a relationship, it hadn't been tears - no, he had for a very, very long time done his level best to never bring tears to another person. His smile became a little fixed for a moment before he reached up and brushed one thumb across her cheek, wiping at the tears after she had done so. He held his hand against her cheek for a moment, studying her intently. He wasn't sure what kind of thoughts that he had triggered inside the young woman - he was no mind reader, to delve into the surface thoughts of another with ease. What he could see was that she was conflicted, a trace upset and bracing herself for something. What it was, he didn't know.

But it didn't seem to come, because there had been a moment of shock and confusion in her eyes, before she teared up. Now if only Henry could figure out why it was that she had begun to cry, he could hopefully avoid causing it in the future. He took in a deep breath slowly, and sat back, drumming his fingers on the table for a moment. She said she’d been the odd one out, hm? The story behind that was bound to be an interesting one - she was from Alerar, so it wouldn't have been her skin tone that did it. Was her height truly an issue for -

Henry stared at her blankly for a moment when she asked her question, then an amused smile twisted his lips and he raised an eyebrow. He leaned forward and steepled his fingers together, studying her over them. “Now now Miss Yvonne. I don't think we know each other well enough for you to play my instrument.” He grinned impishly at her, before pushing himself back and away from the table. One hand reached out to the young woman, offering her a helping hand to come to her feet.

“Though I suppose if you want to hear some music before turning in for the night, I can oblige you. I don't know if I know any tunes that would be too familiar to you, but I'm always willing to play.” He gave her a gentle smile as he held out his hand. Hopefully, taking her up on the request for music would help the strange mood she seemed to be in. In the back of his mind he was already trying to figure out what kind of music she might like. Would she prefer livelier tunes? Did she appreciate slower, solemn chords? He had no issue with experimenting - while the children might have been herded off to bed, he was still wide awake.

Likely a result of the fact that he didn't really have a set sleep cycle any more - if anything, he tended to be awake later in the day. Evenings were, after all, one of the times when Henry did well; finding a tavern or an inn that didn't have a musician already ensconced there was usually a good way of getting some pay for an evening. While he had no issues with busking - playing in the streets for passerby - Corone and Scara Brae tended to be a bit too warm for people to appreciate street music in the day.