It took Henry a pair of heartbeats, slow and steady, for him to realize that Yvonne had left the room - and apparently had no intention of returning. He shook himself sharply, his head swinging back and forth, and chuckled to himself. "So, that's a 'yes' to being both a singer, and a dancer. I'll have to remember that." He wondered, as he started stalking after her, why she had chosen that particular song, or if it had just been the one she felt would work best without any accompaniment. With a rolling shrug of his shoulders, he took his fiddle back up and laid it across his shoulders, then picked up the lantern and left the room.

His longer legs easily caught up to Yvonne's shorter strides, and he slowed himself down as he let her lead the way. He was curious - was she leading outside somewhere? Or did she expect him to take the lead once he had caught up, and show her to her room? She had left the question he asked unanswered, so he couldn't tell what was going on behind those enigmatic silver eyes. But as he caught up, he did slide in front of her, spinning around so he could walk backwards, using his long-time familiarity with the house to let him avoid running into anything as he looked down at her.

"You, Miss Yvonne, are utterly fascinating." She never seemed to settle for a moment, and always had to be pressing on, trying to achieve the next thing. He knew from experience that singing while dancing was nowhere near as easy as some made it look - without proper experience, trying to do one, would leave you too breathless to do the other. Yet the dwarf pulled it off with aplomb, an entrancing singing voice, and some rather exquisite legs. The amount of time and effort she had to have put into that were certainly nothing to scoff at, and he thought she might have spent too long facing away to hide the blush he had caught on her cheeks, to see much of his own as he watched her. His piece said, for the moment, he spun back around, and fell into pace beside her.

He was, admittedly, rather surprised by the hug she had blindsided him with. It's not that he wasn't used to them - the other children of the orphanage had been affectionate to him, once he had come out of his dark place, and had no qualms with tackling him with hugs. No, what had caught him off guard about the action was how relatively new they were to each other - they'd known each other for only a few hours, at most, at this point - meeting in the town, walking back, that dinner, then the music? No, not even hours - maybe one, or two at most. And she felt comfortable enough around him to embrace him? He felt... touched, by that, for some reason. Touched, and honored. From the corner of one bright blue eye he examined her, now with a less, perhaps, critical, eye than he had used before. No, there was a different tone to the gaze, a far more appreciative one, though most of that was hidden by the fact that most of his face was turned away. The musician cleared his throat abruptly, and looked at her fully, tucking away other thoughts for the time being.

"So then, where to Miss?" He grinned at her, tilting his head to the side. "Or shall I just let you lead on?"