"That demon is not my friend," Jake informed the healer. "And I'll fight you if you say that again."

"Okay!" The healer said, his palms upraised. "Look, I just came here to tell you that that demon is finally awake. He somehow recovered from his wounds... almost as if by magic. I mean, there was a lot of magic involved, so definitely by magic. We were siphoning poison out of him like Alerians at an oil well!" The healer chuckled and then looked away when Jake did not laugh as well. "Sorry, gallows humor. Kind of goes with the trade."

"Whatever," Jake said, turning back to his ale, "thanks for letting me know."

The bar he was in was not too crowded, which suited him just fine. Sawdust covered the hardwood floor and dark curtains covered the windows. Flickering candles and lanterns provided light at the tables, and a long mirror behind the counter threw it back twofold. In short, it was a tavern, and he had chosen it because it had ale.

But, he supposed he should probably go and talk to the bloody demon. Even if just to determine what that effects that much poison had on the Haidian brain. And to figure out of if his investment in the demon's potential had paid off. The demon had been impressive in the battle, if foolish. So, so, foolish. Impressively foolish, in fact. Jake made a mental note that there was almost no way he could trust Nosdyn not to do equally wild things in the future.

Jake considered walking to the hospital through the winding streets of Stonevale, with their doxies and hawkers and pickpockets galore. He thought about going out under the speckled stars and crescent moon. He even thought about the smell of the woodsmoke coming out of the chimneys. But he decided to just portal to the hospital instead because he could and he was maybe just a little bit drunk.

Through the various rooms of the sick and dying at the hospital Jake wandered, until he found Nosdyn sitting in one of them. Even now, seeing a Haidian caused Jake to automatically reach for his sword, like a permanently ingrained reflex. It would take some time for him to get used to not trying to kill Nosdyn.

"How are you faring?" He asked the demon. "The healers said you had enough poison in you to kill six men, or a dozen halflings."