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  1. #1

    EXP: 6,343, Level: 3
    Level completed: 34%, EXP required for next Level: 2,657
    Level completed: 34%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,657


    Aynur Ziva

    View Profile
    "Do you... want to change?"

    Aynur felt the other woman press closer as her gentle whispers tickled Aynur's ear. In not so many words they were a promise, an alluring dream that Aynur had all but given up on. "Do I...want to see..." The question should have been easy to answer. And yet she struggled. Instead of answering Aynur hiccuped. Such an offer, be it real or not. That possibility. To see, to see the twilit sky sparkle above her. To see the colour of Tristains eyes and his face. To see his smile instead of hear it in his voice. To be of use. To not be so afraid that someone she cared so deeply for would die because of her own ineptitude. Her own weakness. Did she want to see? Yes Stars and Thaynes above yes! Plush, innocent lips quivered as they tried to utter the answer but instead of words- it was naught more than a sorrowful soliloquy.

    She had tried so hard these past few days to put on a brave face. She had tried to be strong for Tristain. So very hard... Aynur gripped the woman's shoulders with trembling hands, they pulled taught the other womans clothing in unrelenting fists. "I do..." She choked back between sobs. Aynur didn't want to be weak, she didn't want to cry. She wanted to hold back her tears so as not to worry others. She laughed today...sincerely, really, truly and it had hurt. She didn't understand then but she knew now. That laughter was fleeting. That happiness dying like a flame drowning in a river of water. A deep, dark feeling in her gut made the woman feel like she was betraying Tristain, not only by holding the other woman so close, but by crying. As though all his attempts to make her feel better were for naught. "I-I do..." Aynur repeated as she pressed tear stained cheeks against the other woman's neck.

    Rosellia shifted slightly, one of her hands wrapped around Aynur's waist, almost possessively so. The other curled into Aynur's chestnut trestles. Delicate fingers worked through the hair, like a baker lovingly working his dough. She hummed softly, as though in thought and it... it calmed Aynur down, even if just a little. Enough for her to take a few deep breaths. Gulps of air her body desperately needed. Aynur lifted her head enough for her to wipe away her tears on the back of her hand. "I...I just wanted to die..."

    The woman stopped patting Aynur and it felt like the world around them had stilled.

    "I..." Aynur gulped as she continued. "I tried. I tried to rid myself of this wretched evil, cruel, unrelenting world - but it wouldn't let me. He wouldn't let me." Aynur shook her head and her hair cascaded down her like a waterfall, shielding unseeing eyes away from the world. "And he... Tristain almost died because- because I'm so weak. Please... if you can, if you could, if you would...h-help me. Help me see."

    There was more silence. It killed Aynur. She had gone too far hadn't she? She had pushed herself far too close to this woman who was virtually a stranger. Tristain said it himself, people were cruel. So was this world. So why? Why was Aynur so willing to trust her? This being who was a sword, who confused and comforted Aynur at the same time. The blind waif pulled away from Rosellia and shifted to remove herself from the lap. To remove herself from the situation.

    Tristain had told her if she needed him all she had to do was find her way out to the streets and yell for him.

    Just move...


    Rosellia would not have it. Calloused hands griped Aynur tightly. "Stay." Her words were spoken softly, but with a near commanding tone. Aynur stilled as Rosellia pressed one hand tight against Aynur's breast, her fingers danced over the soft flesh. Aynur murmured in confused protest. Was this... normal for her? Did it count as something sexual if it were two women, or was she...the sword... still trying to comfort her?

    "I can do that for you."

    Wait, What?

    She could bring back Aynurs sight?

    She was close, very close - Aynur could smell the faint scent of the forest upon the woman's breath. An exhale was like taking a detour off the forest path - into the unknown. "Take away your pain..." She continued.

    Her hand shifted to Aynur's chin as she grasped it gently between calloused fingers. "Like it never existed."

    Were these words real? Aynur's eyes fluttered close. If that pain could go. If this strange apparition could take it all away...

    "Please do."

    She wanted to be stronger, for herself. For Tristain.

  2. #2
    Junior Member


    Rosellia Vi Delmasc
    The Blade was clearly amused, out of everything this new world had to offer, this softness it found in Aynur's chest was perhaps it's favorite thing. Rosellia's chest had also amused it for some time, but after a while of entertaining itself it had lost interest since it could feel it's own actions. Touching another's was just more enthralling and captivating. It resolved itself that if it would have a guilty pleasure, something to do with it's down time, it would be something akin to this. Those silly thoughts aside though, the blade's attention moved as it shifted it's gaze back up towards Aynur's blind eyes. "It will be discomforting. It will hurt. But it will take that pain away... it will help you see someday." Rosellia spoke with confidence. The other side had a myriad of things that could help one see, dozens of options, it had met monsters who didn't even have eyes and lived normally. It wouldn't take much effort to figure something out after returning back to the other side.

    Bringing the blade closer, it's heavy frame dragging across the ground as she touched the hilt to Aynur's hand. A faint smile came to her face, she even gave the woman's chest a possessive squeeze with a bit more strength as she spoke. "Just put your hand here, grab on tightly and don't let go." She spoke, trying to make sure the girl got the hint when the hilt touched her hand a few times, urging the girl to grab hold of the blade.

    When Aynur did grab hold however, at first it wouldn't feel much different from a normal blade. The hilt was wrapped in cloth, the blade was heavy but Rosellia supported it's weight with a hand still. It was nothing but a simple sword at first glance, it was normal, common, not too different... At first.

    The moment Aynur grabbed hold, there would be pain, an immense and soul crushing pain that flowed from the core of her body to the ends of her fingers and toes in a slow otherworldly wave. That passing wave was excruciating, but as promised wiped away things like doubt, the pain of her memories, the attachments she'd had previously. What replaced, it, left behind in it's wake was such a profound feeling of comfort, a sweet bliss. An instinct that whispered from her heart that she was wanted, that she had a purpose-- The reassurance of knowing there was still 'something' to live for, and that something was resting softly in her hand. The pressures of living-- of having to make choices and decisions were being lifted little by little, she no longer had to make them, she no longer had to worry because the Tainted Blade would gladly guide her, would receive those burdens and pressures as it helped her find her way with the tug of gentle strings.

    Rosellia watched Aynur closely, watching to make sure it takes, watching to make sure that mark was there. The Tainted Blade had a great deal of power on the other side, but here it was still weak, drawing upon that energy on the otherside was still difficult. It was uncertain if it truly had the ability to reach Aynur properly, but it made a solid effort.

  3. #3

    EXP: 6,343, Level: 3
    Level completed: 34%, EXP required for next Level: 2,657
    Level completed: 34%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,657


    Aynur Ziva

    View Profile
    A ear piercing scream jostled the few people who were around the two women. The matron of the bar, being not too fond of Aynur simply huffed and shuffled people on, away from the scene. Away from the screaming and the writhing and the painful, tear-filled crys of the blind girl. Away from potential danger. The only who stayed, was Rosellia. Who held Aynur's hand fast to the hilt of thee blade.

    It felt like fire, scalding her skin. Burning flames licking up her arm and engulfing her. Suffocating her.

    "T-TRISTAI-cough- T-Tri-" Her screaming died down to a series of coughs as she slumped forward. Rosellia caught her, the other hand pressing tight to her mid-back. Slow gentle, rythmic motions ensured as Rosellia gently reassured Aynur. A promise that the pain would be over soon, that the hellfires would burn off, leaving naught but an ashen wasteland - ready for new life.

    Aynur stared forward, blanky, at the swirl of colours before her. Had she made a mistake? She hadn't expected this. She expected friendship. A shoulder to cry on, a comrade to confide in. "W-what is...t-this?" She breathed, her entire form shaking. The tainted sword masqurading as the woman gave her no audible response. Instead, Aynur felt soft velveteen lips press against her forehead. A kiss? A reassurance?

    The burning and suffocation died away and with it a wave of ...euphoria. Her pained breath gave way to a silent, stilled sigh as she exhalled. Her body relaxed and melted against Rosellia's form. What...What was she so worried about moments before? W-whose name did I call out?


    A silent fuzzy sea filled my head, it's waves crashed against my consciousness and the name, the person was on the tip of my tongue but, just like the waves it was carried away, back and away from my conscious thoughts. "R-Rosellia?" Aynur lifted her milky eyes. A new glaze had set in. Her breathing had steadied, and she had...she had completely forgotten why she was so sad earlier. "W-why was I crying?" With one hand still clutched almost possessively around the hilt of the blade she leaned forward and wrapped an arm around Rosellia's waist. This was warmth, this was...some form of bliss. Aynur felt right here. In this moment.

    Wanted. Needed.

    Had she felt this way before? A small part tuggged at her in the back of her mind that yes, yes she had felt this way. That she was waiting for the very person, the very friend who had made her feel this way. A part of her knew this but she couldn't quite place his voice in the sea of haze that continued to ebb and flow. Tug, and pull. Waning her thoughts and consciousness.

    With a small groan she lifted her head. Aynur pressed a hand to her temple. "My body is heavy. What...did you do?" As she lowered her hand back down there was a clear, visible mark - one that was set between her clavicles, in the centre just above her breasts. A vertical line.

    "What is this?" Rosellia reached out, pressing her finger to the mark. It shifted beneath her calloused fingers and an eye appeared, a small slit at first, its pupil stared out at the world. A black mark against Aynur's fair and scarred skin. A deep set sign from magicks unknown to the land, unknown to Aynur.

    Aynur, swet, calm, pensive Aynur. She tilted her head to the side. Brows furrowing in confusion. " what?"

    The woman was quiet, and Aynur felt like she was missing something. The slight clang of metal against metal - the ting and shing of armour - but...what was it? Where was it? Why was it?
    Last edited by Aynur; 06-17-2018 at 02:17 AM.

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