Wrapping her clawed hand around his, Stare led Nosdyn from the burning horror. Both of dropping with blood that was not their own, sprinkled with ash from fires they had started, the two of them got on their waiting mounts From there they rode like savage warriors through the streets, deliberately taking wrong routes to confuse those who may be already suspicious.

Eventually they got back to the house, sneaking in around the back, taking the horses by a back gate that no one but the cook used. It was night now, and it would take the city just until early morning to become alive with rumours. It was better to seem asleep and unknowing. Therefore Stare stabled the stallions herself before leading Nosdyn upstairs. She quietly showed him a room, then bid him good night before heading to her own.

She refused to look back. She had seen his intense stare, and she knew what instincts were driving him. But this night, this time ... She couldn't. Not without talking to Vitruvion first, however ridiculous it sounded.

Therefore she washed roughly and curled up under her soft covers and blankets.



"Here," said the god quietly, placing the bag of money before the demon.

Heavy sounding the bag was a blue velvet, with draw strings. It was pristine, as if bought just fit this occasion. Vitruvion kept his eyes glued to the bag for some time before lifting his eyes back up to meet Nosdyn's.

"Three thousand gold. Should be sufficient."

Stare's brow rose. Certainly it was a generous amount, and an outrageous offer seeing as he had shown such dislike towards the demon earlier. But the morning had come, and no connection between the terrors of the night at the Heysan estate and the Elssmith enterprises had been made. Instead the rumours spoke of a demon that had come seeking ancient revenge for secret crimes.

"You did well," Vitruvion admitted as he stood opposite both of them, across the desk in the library where they were gathered.

"The inner city offices shouldn't take long to sort out," Stare said quietly.

Her master nodded in agreement. "I would think so." He paused. "Now that this has concluded, however, it is right that we let you do, demon. Is this enough money? And will you entirely lose your memory when you are released from my kenku's service?"