Stare slowly got to her feet, looking the demon in the eyes. For a demon and all the trouble that could go with them she actually liked this one. In general, Vitruvion had been reluctant to ever sorte with demons, Raevin, the captain of the guard, had told her. It was mostly due to the fact that they were typical enemies of anything celestial. But this entire situation had been different - Stare had been given Nosdyn on a strange silver platter by a blue-haired elf, and Nosdyn was as dedicated to her, Vitruvion and their cause as the god was himself. She felt no discomfort from being around him, and Vitruvion seemed to not have either, so she could only guess that their continued presence around one another was because of the bond.

"I've got some magic," she admitted. "Good for interrogation also. It is actually how I got involved with the Heysans in the first place. Vitruvion used me as a sort of ... Forced bribery tool," she smiled uncertainly, waiting for the demon's reaction.

She was waiting a while.

"Anyway," she paused between the hall and the map again, taking one last good view of it and memorising the layout and their plans. "If we act swift neither of us should need I interrogate, although I should say that none should escape."

She considered Nosdyn for a while, then smiled and realised she would be in no worry for worrying about him. Certainly, this man, this demon, would help them today and do his job. With a brief check outside she decided that by the time they got to the Heysan business estate it would be dark and empty. Ideal for ransacking. Heaving her bag onto her shoulder she nodded once and gestured.

"Horses to get us there again," she suggested and started down the hall.

A few minutes later they were riding softly with the dying light at their back. A map was in their minds and a god at their side. Memories, hopes and dreams would need to be left alone as they headed out to start a fire and end an Empire. Stare just hoped, as she listened the the clopping of her horse's hooves, that this was all worth it.

But then she looked back at her blue-skinned compatriot and remembered what had had disapproved about his race and their reputation. She decided then that just some time with him was worth it.