“I have not interrupted your stay with
Your woman without good reason, champion.
When you chose this village, I touched your thoughts.
I needed you to be here on this night.”

Her shimmering skin called to him like a siren’s song, like a drink in the desert that might fade if he dwelled too long. Every fiber of him wanted to embrace her, to hold her, to indulge in the pleasure that was her affection. He remained steadfast. He had decided to be intimate only with Kinley, and he intended to maintain his decision. Breaker sat down cross legged, and Am’aleh flowed into a seated position as well.

The wind chased wayward leaves between them, and the moon peered curiously through the clouds. The lights of Ninyama Village flickered distantly, less potent than the scattered stars above.

“Why would you not merely entreat me here?
Why influence my mind to bring Kinley?
What reason could you possibly have for
Leading me around like a blind pony?”

Her laugh was as musical as he remembered, like raindrops on green leaves. She shook back her liquid mane and looked at him with sparkling eyes wide.

“You are as old a soul as mortals know
But you are so young in the realm of gods.
I was not certain everything would work.
I did not wish to lift your hopes in vain.”

“Wherefore would you lift my hopes up so high?
With what would you buoy my spirits like a
Child at their nameday celebration?
That they may burst like a rising bubble.”

His words were calm, and yet they carried a trace of irritation. Surely Am’aleh did not consider him a youth whose feelings would be hurt over a disappointment. Breaker arched an eyebrow, and then smoothed his forehead, hazel gaze boring into the deity.

“Do not be so upset with me, Breaker.” She said, her smile open and eager.
“When I tell you what I have planned, you will
Shower every inch of me with kisses.
You will wish to worship me as before.”

Josh shook his head. The wind gave a swirling bite, as if emphasizing the injury it caused her.

“I pray to you, but I lay with Kinley.
She is not just my mortal lover now.
She is my only lover, only love.”

The breeze did not stir. The stars did not twinkle. The trees did not sway and the brook did not babble. For the world did not turn when Am’aleh wept, and a tear had tumbled down her cheek.

“Your words wound me, your warrior spirit
Is too strong even for a Thayne to bear.
I will tell you simply then Josh: I brought
You here so you may meet some of the Thaynes.”

Breaker blinked. The breath froze in his lungs and the thoughts in his mind crystallized.

Meet… the Thaynes.

For many years that goal had consumed Breaker like a python devouring a deer. Standing on an equal footing with the creators of all that was known; what else could a man like Breaker hope to strive for?

What more?