Nosdyn's power was met with very little resistance. There's something they want me to see. Something they NEED me to see. As he entered the depths of the creature's mind he saw a penetrating darkness and then something else after the darkness as a force, a void, parted. He saw something he didn't expect to see after the event horizon.

We brought you here to talk. The shadow said in Nosdyn's mind.

How is this possible...? Nosdyn responded.

Outside, the shadow man and Nosdyn appeared to be as one entity, one face united.

The fall of society is inevitable. There is a coming disaster. You and your mortal races will be powerless to stop it. The voice said.

Nos listened. Then...what do you need me to do...?

The voice continued. ...You must live, Nosdyn son of Krotar. There must be a new generation of warriors to protect Althanas from the coming disaster.

The great calamity... Nosdyn thought to himself, but the shadow man could hear.

Take your weapon and use your prowess to defeat your current foe. But remember what you have learned here today. There is a coming calamity. You must GROW STRONG, and survive it. With that, Nosdyn felt the voice grow quiet as it was silenced.

He turned to look towards Hayate. He activated his weapon once more, and stalked towards his opponent. He was looking up towards the corpse king and towards Hayate. As he walked forward his mind was focused on the task at hand. I must do everything in my power to win here... As his eyes narrowed he looked at Hayate and memorized everything about the physical appearance of the lord. At that point, the screams of a dying Radasanth still filled the air. What place did Nosdyn have in it all? I want to create a world where Demons and Men can live in such a thing too grand a dream...? Nosdyn had lived a life-time of conflict and betrayal. Since his youth, he'd learned the demon's code of doing things, their way of conquest. It was all he knew and something he was born into.

As he grew older he began to see the error in Demon society.

In truth, the error in ALL society. It's a dream, but it's a dream worth fighting for. Nosdyn limped as he walked towards Hayate and the corpse king. The limp was an acquired from his battle with the boy named Morus. That battle had been intense and brutal, but Nosdyn had shown restraint in fighting the stalwart lad. The thought repeated itself in his mind. Demons and Men can live together in peace and harmony. It is a dream, but a dream worth fighting for. As he thought about those matters, a shadow-man walked towards Nosdyn and stood in front of him.

Nosdyn stared at the shadowy creature and narrowed his eyes. "Do you intend to stop me...?" Nosdyn asked.

"...No." The shadow man spoke without a moving mouth. He simply spoke, projecting his voice outward.

"Then why stand in front of me?" Nosdyn asked.

"...Look." The shadow man said suddenly pointing towards his east.

Nosdyn looked in that direction and saw what the shadow man wanted them to see. Fires had begun to spread all over Radasanth. The shadow men were on every roof top of every damaged building in the area. The citadel was burning as well. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes. "I see..."

"...Defeat the warrior and his pet." The shadow man said to Nosdyn and moved out of Nosdyn's way. The shadow men seemed to view Nosdyn as something that they did not view the other mortal races of Radasanth that were slain so horribly. Nosdyn stopped directly in front of the corpse king. "You." Nosdyn began. "No more running. Will you fight me here or not...?" Nosdyn said to both the corpse king and Hayate. His weapon was ignited with the blade making it's furious sound of souls suffering in this or that hell. Nosdyn waited to hear what Hayate would say, and he readied his weapon after that. Nosdyn was ready.