(Excellent work so far ALL)

Nosdyn replaced the cloak back in his packs. He was glad to have diffused whatever situation was about to erupt had he not offered the peace offering. Nosdyn nodded towards Yvonne. Then a couple more of the townfolks were present. The first, Nos noticed was a bard-style folks that was blathering about an Yvonne this Yvonne that. He wasn't sure if the bard folk was referring to the Alerar girl or not. But they seemed on friendlier terms with one another.

Then...it happened.

As the rain poured down, Nos noticed something out the corner of his eyes. At first, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. But then, upon closer inspection he knew what he was seeing was in fact a Fae-folk. "By The Thayne, I'll be damned." Nosdyn suddenly said. His eyes were locked on the approaching Fae's small form. If one weren't observant enough they would assume the fae folk was just another small urchin kid. Lost, and hungry. But Nosdyn knew. His kind had interacted with certain fae folk in the past. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes as he observed the small one approaching. He then turned to look at Tristain. "Let's get some food. I know a good place, follow me." Nos turned his attention back towards the Alerar girl. "The restaurant is called the slaughtered lamb. One of the bigger restaurants." He explained to Yvonne....or at least he assumed that the bard was addressing her as Yvonne.

"Ask for my table when you arrive at the restaurant and we'll meet there." Nos looked at Tristain at that point. "Let's go eat. And get out of this forsaken rain." Nos kept his eyes on the fae boy, and decided that he would interact with the small fellow. "But give me a moment. I want to talk to that kid over there." Nos protected the fae's identity, he figured that the little fellow would not want his identity revealed to the whole town. Nos walked over towards the small boy. He nodded towards him. "Are you lost, or hungry...or perhaps both...?" Nos asked. "If you want to eat, you can join my friends and myself for a good, hot meal and get out of this rain." Nos said calmly. The fae boy was a particularly interesting specimen. And his eyes seemed to have a fierce intellect. The magicallly kind...

Nos knew it would be wise not to piss the fae thing off.