[This thread is rated M for mature themes, language, and violence.]

Epic Motherfucking Prologue!

Come round the fire and sit ye’ for a spell.
Let me tell ye’ a tale of a town called Stonevale,
And a lone little warrior who resided there.
She hadn’t resided there for long,
And actually, we’ll get to that in the main story
So maybe just forget that mmmkay?

Let me tell ye’ a tale of a town called Stonevale,
And a lone little warrior with a dancer’s spirit.
Now, ye’ might be thinking to ye’self,
“The Spire of Morpheus? That sounds
A lot like recent epic the Lyre of Orphaeo!”
Well shut yer’ face if that’s the case!
We named this thread for magical purposes
Something something, magical purposes.

But let me tell ye’ a tale of a town called Stonevale,
And a lone little warrior with a dancer’s spirit.
Only she could save the world from the coming calamity.
And that’s not really a spoiler, because we all know
About the coming calamity. And FYI Senor Dirks,
Starting a story with the end of the world makes it
JUST A LITTLE hard to raise the stakes.
Thanks for that!

But let me tell ye’ a tale of a town called Stonevale,
And a lone little warrior with a dancer’s spirit.
Only she could save the world from the coming calamity.
Only she could dance the Demon’s Dance Ritual,
Following the footsteps of Marion the Prancer before.
But there would be more, oh so much more…
She would journey to the Spire of Morpheus
On the way meeting many perils
And meeting many more when she arrived, obviously.
Perils, that is.
For there would be evil out to stop her saving the world.
Evil in its darkest, most shadowiest nighttime armor.
Evil that would make ye’ need to take a pee break
Before ye’ reads the next post.
Now that is a ghastly evil.