So, I'm going to repost this from the rules,
Quote Originally Posted by Max Dirks
To elaborate a bit, open missions will be missions where anyone can join at any point. Closed missions will be missions that cannot accept new writers as they progress. ALL THREADS WILL BE OPEN UNDER THE CLASSIC DEFINITION OF THE TERM. This means if you want to participate, and indicate so prior to it starting, then you're in. The one exception to this is if all spaces are taken. It will be first come first served, but please only take up a roster space if you intend to see the thread through.
This means that all threads are open. Additional spots cannot be reserved. Only the GM has a reserved spot. Are we clear? Open and closed only refers to threads that people can join at any time after they're up, or threads in which the people in them are in throughout the course. Does this make sense?