Closed to Culaco
Softly, the water lapped up onto the shore with the peace of heaven. The beach was rocky, with small stones that were smoothed by the relentless passion of the sea pushed up against the dunes. Small patches of sand were visible, where the sea had managed to never drop its plunder, but rather leave it bare and open. Upon the dunes themselves tough seashore grasses were rife, with the stalks baring to the sky in all of their pale green glory. Some had flowers that dared to survive in this salty air, and some had simple brown and dried stalks. What was common amongst them, however, was the dryness of their bodies, as if they could easily be crushed by a single hand - or the toss of one of those proud stones. They rattled together when the breeze fled from the sea up towards the land, and sometimes then they did break. Because of this, behind the dune where the exposed hill side was, grasses lay in a mass grave, like a battlefield barely ended.

Upon this shoreline a creature walked; a black silhouette against the stark white sky. She was feathered from head to knee, with rumpled and leather-like skin making up that below her wrists and knees. Her feet and hands were wicked claws, and upon her face was a mighty beak. Two dark eyes stared out from beyond the dark feathers, and all she wore aside from these was a simple tunic, onto which was attached a belt and from there an assortment of weapons and goods. Across the sand and stones she strode, eyes darting around, going from land to sea to sky, land to sea to sky, land to sea to sky.

Watching. Waiting.

But she was alone. For once, she was alone. And she was loving every single moment of it.

Slowly she lowered the hand that had been held to her chest, with the deep grey claws digging into the flesh of her palm. Blinking, she looked down and started at the small blue stone there, that was still pulsating with an eerie blue light, but that which was fading. Still, she walked, eager to keep moving against this beach and to not be stuck anywhere for some time. Movement was good also, for it kept her active and it meant that anyone who could trace her teleportation would be confused as she would not be at the point of entry. She also moved for the simple reason of wanting to remain alone, and strangers who saw her walking might not wish to join her.

Not that there was many strangers on this wild beach, with its mighty breeze that played with the plumage of her crown, and made the dune-grass whistle with a harmless melody. Nay, she had quite deliberately chosen this place where she had been but once before upon first reaching this land - before Vitruvion was ever in her her life. Before apprenticing with the dwarf baker Skra. Before anything had ever happened, and she had become steward of a mighty business empire and followed by a constant group of three irritating guards.

It was said it was for her own protection, but Stare knew she could defend herself enough. Vitruvion, her employer and god, had left her his world in keeping until he returned. His dearest half-sister had gone missing and the world was on shaky territory. Thus, panicking and wishing to protect his most precious possession he had left his guards with her, telling them to keep an eye on her day and night whilst he was distracted. He had not paid heed to her protestations, but rather issued orders and asked her listen. Told her what was, and shaken his head. No, nothing she could say would change his mind. No, she would have to live a claustrophobic forced life whilst he searched for his sister.

It had all gotten too much. Thus, Stare had waited for a single opportunity when the guards were distracted, as well as Vitruvion himself. She had used her stone to teleport here, to this shore and walked - far and long.

Her breath was passionate, but her heart rate began to settle as the light from the marble did. For it seemed they had not followed her here, and she was safe. She was alone.
