“Fuck faith.” she spat. Ayaka wasn't exactly afraid she just didn't like the idea of being trapped. Especially with an ice welding Thayne loving demi human.


He had helped her this far. There was little reason to believe anything would happen. They already fucked like animals. “Don't go thinking I'm gonna fucking fall for you now.” She muttered. Ayaka could feel his warm breath tickle the back of her neck as he laughed softly.

She wrapped her arms further around herself, pressing her back against his chest. She could practically feel his heartbeat against her damp skin, through the sodden clothes.

“I fuckin hate magic. It's unpredi-t-table. Alchemy… Po- potion making. It's a science. Any fucker can conjure shit. Making concoctions. Thats real art.”

“No doubt you are right,” Breaker murmured. “And yet, you have magic to thank for your life.”

Ayaka winced. “Yeh.. And I hate knowing that.” she didn't like having to rely on an outside source to save her. Sure, she was a high priestess and much of her time was spent praying but she had lite faith in self serving thaynes.

“Bit catty of her to send a storm right after saving me don't you think?”

“Perhaps it’s a commentary on your attitude.”

Ayaka turned, rolling over in his grip. This felt better. She pressed her arms up against him and nestled her chin into the crook of his neck. For a man dedicated to a woman of watery storms and shit, and who could magic up a wall of ice.. He was ridiculously warm. Radiating heat.

“Good to know the Thaynes hate me too.”she mumbled bitterly. Sure, she had the reverred respect of her town but she left it under the guise of a pilgrimage to pursue more profitable means. Ayaka hated the fakery of it all. So she did what she did best. Got drunk and pushed it all away.

“How the fuck do you even get to know a Thayne like that?”

He took a deep breath, his chest expanding and contracting as he considered the question.

“My lady first found an interest in me when I died during a tournament. She saw fit to raise me back to a mortal life… some time after that, I realized what she had done and became her devout follower. Our relationship is… unique.”

Ayaka scoffed. “Sounds like ya fuck her and do her bidding if ya ask me.” He was beating around the bush, but the way his body shifted against her. The way he placed emphasis on the word intimate. Yeh. Didn't take a steam engineer to figure that one out. “If thats the benefits perhaps I should start looking for a thayne to become my patron, know any willing for a fuck?”

“You would not understand,” he said, his shoulders rolling as he shrugged against her. “No matter how I explained it.”

“Not much to explain.” Ayaka mumbled. She was feeling better, slowly, she had a feeling she'd improve if she wasn't soaking wet. “Don't explain it to me. I don't care.” Why should she? She had no feelings for the man. She was making conversation. It was the least she could do to distract herself from the cold.

But, part of her was serious. She was a priestess. She prayed a fuck tonne. So why shouldn't she seek out a Thayne? She doubted she could devote herself so irrevocably so like Breaker had. Still…

Her chest rose and fell as she drew in a heavy sigh. “I should go home. Back to being the high priestess. No sex dens. No trouble. Simple. Boring. Safe.”