As the last Amatsukami kicked up dust and rubble trying to flee from the menacing dark knight a loud clang of metal on metal rang through the lofty throne room. The sentinel behind Hayate let out one final screech before the darkness that composed it dissipated. Hayate turned face and saw the young girl he had been fallowing standing a few steps behind him. She held a bow to her side as she gestured towards him to wait a moment.

It looks like we won’t have to worry about her like the last guy. Yamato telepathically said to it’s master. At least she isn’t teaming up with the creature.

Then the ginger lass surprised him as she politely introduced herself. Her name was Felicity Rhyolite and Hayate pegged her to be about of legal age but only barely. Was it adolescence that made her so foolish to waist the opportunity before? Or was it something else like a code of morals or what have you? Regardless Hayate appreciated that she didn’t immediately attack him and thus decided to give her as much respect as she did to him.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” He said as he started to scratch the back of his head with his right arm and smile. “You don’t often come across anyone with good sportsmanship here, my name is Amatsukami Hayate, former noble of Yukon, leader of the Immortals and member of the Brotherhood.” He had to start getting used to his new titles. He hadn’t had them long but owned them like they had been his for years.

Strapped to his back was a large katana like weapon known as a Nodachi, which housed Hayate’s combat partner Yamato. And behind his hips dangled a Akashiman style dagger known as a Wakazashi that he had just picked up from Harrington just hours before he came to the citadel. Felicity seemed to have come prepared as well, minus the lack luster armor she chose, but that could be for a number of reasons. It didn’t really matter anyway, Hayate had a trick up his sleeve but didn’t know when would be the appropriate time to use it.

“I suppose it’s time we get started isn’t it?” the last Amatsukami said as he lowered his hand to rest upon the hilt of his wakazashi. Then with a quick flick of his wrist he drew his titanium weapon and spun it in his palm before taking a fighting stance in front of the girl. He would let her ready herself before he started his assault as she gave him the same curtesy just moments before.

Yamato I’m going to test myself for a moment before I let you handle this.

Understood, speak the words when you need my aid. his spirit partner said before he faded into silence to allow Hayate to concentrate.

“Whenever your ready.”