[OOC: Solo.]
Just across Niema River, over a stone bridge, was Felicity’s destination. After endlessly traversing across the country from Scara Brae's Fairy, after stopping to cure a town from disease, she made it! She was so close!

Across the roaring river, stood the bridge.

Felicity pulled the heavy baggage upon her back, situating her belongings. She proceeded to step over. As songbirds produced melodies atop the railings, Felicity traversed across the bridge. Traveling boots pounded against dark grey rock as she crossed. Feeling as if something was watching, she looked up. There, on one of the highest upper beams, was that blasted barn owl.

White with silver tipped wings.

It watched her. It had been following her since she got here.

Her eyes narrowed as the fowl shrieked. It flew off just as Felicity extended her hand towards it. As snow white feathers floated in its empty place, Felicity grimaced. Why was that owl following her? It made her remarkably uncomfortable, unsafe.

The sooner she got to Radansanth, the sooner she made it to her brother’sshop, the sooner she signed up with Faith United… the better.

She shivered as she went to the other side of the bridge. She could still somehow feel those amber eyes gazing upon her.