Fenn yawned and stretched, swaying slightly from side to side with the gait of his mount.

His legs were numb from sitting atop her for so long. Some days were exciting; nipping into various towns for some lighthearted theft, pawing his way through ancient ruins, whisking his way through the domains of unfamiliar and fantastical creatures. Others, such as this one, were a bit of a drudge, to put it lightly. Extended bouts of travel did that for one’s mood. Good thing today was just about over! The sun had already sunk below the horizon, allowing the stars to peek gaily from behind the clouds and twiggy tree branches above. Fenn smacked his lips, thinking, staring blankly into the bushes ahead.Come to think of it, it was probably about time for him to stop them both and find a good place to sleep out the darkness…

Just as he was about to tug for his wolf’s attention, for them to come to a rest, a sonorous howl cascaded through the night.

Daugi stood rigid, one paw frozen mid-air and mid-step. Her ears swiveled in the direction of the cry. Not unlike those of her young fae-pup; with a sound that was nearly a resigned groan, Fenn lowered his face into her snaggled mane, wrapping his arms snugly about about her neck. He knew what about coming next. Though the direwolf typically responded well to his inquiries and demands, his control over her was… limited. It was in her nature, for she was tame as far as he knew, but by no means domesticated. There were times when she’d simply leap wild of her own accord to do whatever wild wolfish things drifted across her mind like wind-torn clouds.

Times like now.


The little fae hung on with all his might as his mount bolted off into a mighty gallop, responding to the howl with a booming call of her own in turn.