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  1. #18
    Junior Member


    Rianna Azure Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    Ayami let out a little squeal of surprise when Veridan ran his length against her leg. A faint tinge of crimson colored her cheeks as her small little hands went to them to hide her embarrassment as she murmurs softly "Tell him thank you Phi." one thought ran through her mind I was no expecting another familiar This fox, he smells powerful, like a strong demon is inside him. It would be interesting to get to know him better! her fiery pink eyes flashed briefly as the sensation of the fox rubbing himself against her leg faded.

    Shivering slightly as her orbs examined a large grinning jade dragon carved like it belonged in the wall. The bunny spirit girl blinked rapidly, she glided closer to the grinning beast and noticed a slight tinge of crimson glowing in its mouth. It was a ruby, but it wasn't carved into the wall like the dragon carvings. An opening had been intricately worked into this dragon's mouth, so that the glowing red gem could be placed like a bright ball of flame in its mouth. As the rabbit ghost listened intently to the sounds the cavern was making, she could hear the gurgle of an underground stream rushing somewhere down below them. The plop, plop of the water a musical song. She opened her mouth to tell the party her thoughts "I think we are getting closer to the treasure now! These dragons seem much for intricately designed, almost giving the treasure-hunter a feeling of warning to turn back."

    The stream was the only musical sound permeating in the walls of the dark, narrow cavern, Ayami glided nearer to Veridan, her voice soft as she asked him "These caves seem ancient don't they? Like something powerful must dwell here?"

    Rianna let out an exasperated sigh , her voice was almost whisper as she hissed "Something powerful Ayami? Like what! You know, or I would assume you know, that I don't go looking for trouble!" she walked up to where Veridan was eagerly prancing further into the echoing blackness, her own guide to this treasure hunt almost eagerly following Phi's familiar.

    The pink-haired bunny ghost glanced at Rianna a presumptuous grin was on her lips as she cooed "Awww I think the little vampire's scared! To defeat the foe you wish to face," a wink came easily towards the crimson-haired assassin as she finished "your dear sister, you need to gain strength! Don't you wish to overcome your fear of danger?"

    Rianna's face was openly honest, as her voice was clear as she responded "Actually, No Ayami! I'd much rather have someone protect me, or to finish the job for me! I don't prefer to dirty my own hands! Unless..." a greedy smile came to her lips as she explained "Their is a reward or treat in it for me!"

    The fuschia-haired ghost bunny rose a finger to the dark, cold air in triumph as she shouted "You answered your own wants Ri! Your reward awaits behind the danger! YOU JUST HAVE TO OVERCOME IT!" she then smiled briefly at Phiomel, before she disappeared further down into the dark depth's leading deeper into the cavern.

    The stubborn, spoiled Mizami heir followed suit after Ayami, her posture wasn't happy though as her mind screamed "Why does this feel like lessons my father would put me through?"
    Last edited by Nightspoison; 10-23-2017 at 07:48 PM.

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