The outside patio of the small café was adorned with tan bricked flooring and metallic rounded tables, each table possessing exactly four maroon wooden chairs. Coffee and pastries were whisked out of the business quickly in the early morning and by now it was late enough in the day to simply be a gathering point for a few of the lazier residents. Still, the smell of roasted coffee beans filled the air and mugs continued to clatter upon saucers.

“Excusez moi,” a gentleman in a feathered cap intruded, “what have you heard of the world famous Magi Magnifique?”

Sipping from their coffee the two women looked at the finely dressed intruded. Startled and confused one of the women answered, “like, I have no clue who you’re talking about.”

Clearly disappointed the man rubbed his brown mustache and adjusted his cap before puffing our his chest. They were in for a real treat, he began telling the tale, “see, this is an epic story of adventure and brav-“

“Could you, um, leave us alone,” the other woman cut in.

Defeated, the man complied. Once he made it back to a nearby alleyway a short gnome presented himself from behind a supply crate. The gnome was light brown in complexion, he had just a few stringy hairs and only on the left side of his head. The bald part of his head was scarred and burnt, likely the result of torture or an accident. The gnome dressed in royal blue overalls, sandals, and accessorized himself with a green sack on his back. The gnome posed a question, “boss, how’d it go? You make new fans?”

“, it was terrible,” he stated in defeat. Removing the feathered cap and unbuttoning a slip revealed his ‘fine’ clothes were fake. He stood before the gnome in a faded violet cape and dark leather clothes. His hair was receding a bit. Wiping back tears he gave his impassioned speech, “Snappy, you’ve been a wonderful sidekick but this sad excuse for a city doesn’t appreciate the hero who’s here to protect them. They don’t understand that I am the reason they sleep soundly at night. I am the reason crime does not overflow our streets! Snappy, stop picking your nose. Look at at me! Read my lips. I am the hero this city does not deserve.”

With pointer finger afloat the small gnome, Snappy, looked right and then left. As his eyes arose to once again meet his boss’s he replied honestly, “maybe they don’t know because we ain’t really done much yet...” Snappy recognized that this answer would not be received well and he quickly corrected, “its like that sayin’ right? Dunno what you got til it’s gone!”

By god he was right. The human cleared his throat and stated, “yes, that must be it! Though you be small and weak and smell like old cheese you are quite wise my dear friend!” Proud of himself for the glowing praise and knowing that tonight the pair would bring safety to the citizens of their fair city he yelled in excitement, “I am Cornelius, the Magi Magnifique! Villains shall tremble before me!” He donned his navy mask, grabbed ahold of his cloak, and raced off with Snappy fast on his heels.

They had detoured into this city after their latest escapade. Following the trials they suffered at the meteorite the dark elven pair, Yvonne and Lilly, were stopping at this Alerian-Raiaeran border town for a bit of R&R.

Lilly had grown to deeply cherish the smaller half elf. Initially she viewed her friend as a compact dark elf but she was beginning to accept the dwarven part of her. Numerous times Lilthis battled with this dichotomy. Did this mean she was beginning to treat all dwarves as equals or just Yvonne? Oh well.

Her dwarf-elf companion had gone into a shop and insisted that Lilly wait at exactly the spot she was stood. Two blocks from a coffee shop which irradiated the delicious scent of freshly roasted coffee beans. The full blood did not believe the mixed blood had done this to purposely torture Lilly, though if she had it worked wondrously.

Suddenly the dark elf’s craving for caffeine was interrupted by a shout, “I am Cornelius, the Magi Magnifique! Villains shall tremble before me!”

A Magi? Here? Lilly needed to know how far his skill extended. Her hybrid friend’s abilities were truly impressive but Lilthis wanted to run recent theories and findings by an expert sorcerer. She figured her halfling companion would be a bit longer anyway. The slender elf darted off in the direction of the shout, moving fast enough to leave dust in her wake.

No sooner after Lilly receded from eyesight the half-dwarf emerged, “aye Lilly, what do ya feel abo-,” slightly confused and annoyed Yvonne thought aloud, “I told ‘er to wait right here.”