
Name: Ainsley Grace St Claire
Age: 22
Race: Raiaerian shape shifter
Height: 5'6
Personality: Ainsley has an addictive personality. She loves the thrill of things, she feels things more then normal people would. At times she can get sporadic and can't focus, oddly enough she is very smart. She loves the science of things, dissecting them to see how and why they work the way they do which is an oxymoron because she still searches of the molecular biology behind her own ability to shift between forms.

History: Ainsley lived with a father that was a professor, a great scholar of science. Often her papa and her would get themselves into many dangerous circumstances, melding where they didn't belong. Just like his daughter, Professor Daten couldn't stop his obsession on one specific thing once it started. It would consume him entirely until one day he got into deep with some dark magic, a cult of cannibalistic witches that would sacrifice specific creatures to their Gods and Goddess. Sadly he ended up being one of the sacrifices in a ritual leaving his daughter alone in the university where her father's colognes raised her. One in particular took Ainsley under his wing, he taught anatomy and at times would Ainsley as a subject. He would draw labs, bone marrow and study it. Most times he would make Ainsley do extensive training, hours at a time. Xavier was a mad man, a belief that he would be the first man to expose the science behind her ability to shift. After many years of all the "testing" Ainsley grew tired of being kept as a lab rat for Xavier's research and she fled the university. Staying in Raiaera she hid, changed her appearance. Having spent many years around a man that was obsessed with her "condition" she, herself became obsessed with finding out why she is they way she is.

Appearance: Ainsley is an angelic looking creature, her cheek bones high, her eyes soft green gaze, lips soft plush pillows. Her skin the color a soft olive tone. Body flows in waves of beautiful curves. Her corn silk colored locks cascading down to below her shoulders. Two drill size holes on either hips where the bone marrow was extracted. Small incision scars on her abdomen and back.

Skills: Research, taking notes.


Skin morphing: Ainsley is able to shape shift into a large lion, white albino. She has the strength a lion would along with the agility and endurance. She can absorb one large blow and two medium before she is forced to turn back into her human form. She is able to use this ability twice daily for an hour.

Infinity of Earth: Ainsley is able to control the substance of earth, rock, clay, dirt. She is able to wield it to her advantage. While she is able to wield it, it is only small things such as small boulders, a few vines. Though she draws strength from the earth the earth is simple and can be stopped or demolished. Ainsley is able to use this infinity for up to thirty minutes with a hour break in between breaks.

Equipment/Weapons: A few old journals that were her father's and a pen for the pen is mightier then the sword.