"We're closing in five, girls!"

At the sound of the elder gentleman across the restaurant, Felicity stopped laughing in that very millisecond and quickly polished the bowl clean with her spoon. Finishing up quickly, she put the spoon down and got up, "C'mon, Ashla!"

Ashla looked up to her and nodded. Holding her cat, she stood up, pushing the seat in. Felicity gave her a quick nod and started to skip out, "Thanks again, keep!"

The keep smiled warmly, as if the redhead had made his day as well. As Fireleaf crawled onto her shoulders, body wrapped around the back of her neck, Ashla silently followed her energetic friend outside.

Once outside, in the dark night, the girls walked along the quiet, dusty streets. As they walked along the dusty road, their footwear was steadily coated in dust and dirt. Felicity was still wide awake and energetic, she was scratching Fireleaf's chin. As the cat purred pleasantly, closing his eyes, Felicity spoke, "So, have anywhere you're staying?"

Ashla shrugged, "Eh, somewhere."

Really, she had no place to go. She had been hopping from inn to inn. She was steadily being depleted of resources - especially after Felicity's little tussle in that bar.

As the identical cottages at each street were passed by, Felicity smirked and raised an eyebrow, "You don't know where you're staying tonight."

… Ashla sighed, "You read me."

Felicity giggled that childish laugh, "You can stay with me! I'm in an inn downtown."

Ashla was not too sure… if they stayed together now, how long would they stay together this time? They had been violently driven apart before, and Ashla did not want that again. Especially since it was her own fault… The company of one of her only friends would, however, be something good to look forward to. A smile crossed the usually stoic Eiskaltian's face, she softly spoke, "I would appreciate that. Thank you."

As the cool breeze caused their clothes to flow, the smell of torch smoke nearby swirling around with just enough light to see; Felicity led the way.