- Felicity's greatest fear is losing everything again, especially her loved ones.
- Her second greatest fear is becoming a monster like Ayleth.
- Felicity has a Talisman of Trisgen that belonged to her late cousin Jonathan. It has no magical properties.
- Felicity has canonically been to Eiskalt, Corone, Scara Brae, Raiaera, Dheathian, and Fallien.
- Felicity hates Eiskalt, Dheathian, and Fallien. Eiskalt brings bad memories. The climates of Fallien and especially Dheathian are awful for the winter born girl.
- Felicity is insanely overprotective of Shinsou Vaan Osiris.
- Felicity's favorite card game is UNO.
- Child soldiers trigger Felicity. That's a big no no for her.
- Felicity killed approximately eight people when her berserk powers spiraled out of control after her cousin was killed. She doesn't remember the incident and has never killed since (outside the Citadel.)