(01:18:31) Briarheart: Hypemom is best mom
(01:18:36) Briarheart: Except when she's the worst
(01:19:12) Lye: Hype would be a terrible mom for anything that is dependent on another for continued life.
(01:19:25) Lye: But great for adults and those struggling with the non-essentials.
(01:19:55) Briarheart: She is a good emotional rock and boat-steadier
(01:20:00) Briarheart: But a terrible caregiver
(01:21:16) Lye: *dumps water on crying small child. Crying intensifies. Plops horse manure on top of child. Goes into a full tantrum. Hype starts crying too.* "I thought it was hungry~... T^T"
(01:21:53) Amari: "human why you no like? this is best poo
(01:22:00) Amari: look *Shoves it into her own mouth*
(01:22:32) Lye: "M-maybe it needs to be polinated..." *blushu*
(01:22:42) Lye: *Covers with bees while utterly embarrassed*
(01:22:59) Lye: *Child is now being stung repeatedly*
(01:23:29) Lye: Madison: "What in the literal fuck?!" *grabs Hype by the wrist and hurries off to the sounds of guards coming*
(01:23:48) Amari: no no
(01:24:02) Amari: you forgot to add the part where Madison drop kicks the screaming poop covered bee infested child over the horizon
(01:24:08) Amari: hide the evidence
(01:25:30) Briarheart: This is now canon.