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  1. #9

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

    View Profile
    Many months later...

    Nosdyn awoke that morning. N'Jal, as she had promised had been there the entire time for him. He would do the same for his Master. He needed a bit of a walk that morning. He kissed N'Jal's forehead, he'd worn her out that previous night...he took that as a compliment. He stepped outside, the morning air felt cool and fresh against him. He thought about everything that had transpired, what hell's he'd gone through.

    Just then...nearby, there was a cry for help.

    Nosdyn acted entirely on impulse at that point. He moved towards where he heard the call, a group of bandits were attacking a lone Dark Elf woman. Without hesitation, and with the finely tuned combat proficiency of his people..he took the bandits down with his bare hands. He did not kill any of them...he merely defeated them. It was enough, they took off running in cowardice. Nosdyn was standing there, catching his breath.

    The Dark Elf woman looked at Nosdyn, she walked over towards him and was going to attempt to touch him, thinking she had the right. "Stay back." Nosdyn suddenly yelled at her.

    "My Lord?" She asked of him. "I just want to repay for your kindness."

    Suddenly, that did something to Nosdyn's head. He saw a flash to the day he risked death to save Xyllea. "I don't need any rewards for doing the right thing." Nosdyn said truthfully.

    She calmly looked at his face, at his eyes. "Let me in..." She said.

    More flashes in his mind. At that point, he'd finally understood what N'Jal had been teaching him that whole time. He looked at her with a very serious expression on his face. "I let two of your kind in my life. One killed herself in front of me, the other stole my son." He looked away from her at that point. "I will never allow anyone in again. N'Jal is all I need." He said, and perhaps sounded a bit harsher than he meant to. At that point, he completely saw what N'Jal had been teaching him the entire time. The woman had a look of complete rejection on her face.

    "If that is your wish My Lord." She said calmly.

    "Go home, and forget everything you saw here." Nosdyn replaced his hood on his head and walked away from her, returning to where he belonged.


    Nosdyn sat down next to N'Jal, his Master at that point. He looked at her with profound respect. "You were right...I see now how they are."

    N'Jal touched his face gently. "I watched you very closely. You see now how those harlots are." She paused at that point. "What you did was very brave. You have the courage now to reject them."

    He looked at his Master. "I said to her the truth. You were all I need." Without thinking, he kissed his Master deeply.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-19-2019 at 09:59 PM.

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