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  1. #19

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    He stood there in silence for a long moment.

    Thinking on all he had just learned, all that had just occurred. Life itself will be at odds with us always. He thought to himself, he thought of a conversation he had with Xelldra at one point. Maybe early exile would have been a more optimal I'm not so sure... An hour passed as he stood there. I am going to be excluded now...after all I have given her...maybe it's better this way. Nosdyn stared into the dark chamber for a long time. "I dreamed a dream and now that dream is gone from me." Nosdyn said quietly. N'J al had given him his purpose back, his war he was a chastised soldier. I don't even know why... He stood there for a long moment.

    Bitterness and rage swelling in his heart.

    At everything, at noone.

    He knew after a moment, the gods played with their lives as if they were play things. Little more than children's toys. He realized it at the the setting sun of his long life. Always at odds...father...I could really use some help right now...where has this all gone so wrong? Nosdyn thought to himself as he stood in the empty chamber. He knew he had been fighting a fool's war for a very long time. If this is my fate, I will not be afraid. I owe you that father. I owe my son that. Nosdyn felt a presence in the room with him, his father. He thought he would not see Tharak's ghost ever again...but maybe it was a desperation that called his father back to him.

    "Do not lose hope my son." The aristocrat demon said to him.

    "She's abandoned me...the fucking whole world has abandoned me." Nosdyn began to cry in front of his father. "What do I do father?"

    "My son, listen to me. Ours is a tribe that fights. We are weapons forged on the field of battle, and we die on the field of battle. You chose to walk alongside N'Jal she gave you your war back, your courage and honour. You must honour what Lancaster told you. If you wish to regain what was lost." Tharak said.

    "The master may not approve." Nosdyn said quietly to his father. "But I will honour you and Lancaster's wishes. You have my word."

    "When the time comes that you must save his son, she might not take kindly to you disobeying an order. She may hurt you...terribly." Tharak said.

    Nosdyn nodded. "That has occurred to me as well."
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 12-05-2019 at 08:16 AM.

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