A short while later Nosdyn stands before the temple of his son.

He has a grim expression on his face. Mixed feelings torment him, and he has no idea how his son and potential allies will react to his appearance. He's been moving against their enemies: The Temple of Lloth since he awoke. The temple before him stands a beacon in the shadow, glowing with potent energies of darkness. A familiar voice calls to him. The one who chose Tharak as his mate: Lilly a lovely female Undead. She looked much more lively at that point in their existence given that Tharak likely took over keeping the Undead warm.

She greets Master Nosdyn. "My lord so good that you are back with us." She bows towards Nosdyn.

"My son, is he with you all in this temple?" Nosdyn has to know if his hunch is correct.

She nods. "Yes he's here along with several others from when you vanished. Allies people who stayed loyal to you and your son." She explains. "A lot has happened since you vanished." She says.

He nods. "We'll talk on the way inside. I want to speak to my son." Nosdyn says calmly.


His son had grown into a powerful battle mage. Magic was a skill that was uknown to Nosdyn.

They were sitting across from one another at a table. Many female and male undead were present, only Lilly he directly knew. Nosdyn laid it all on them, not mincing his words...he knew he had a manner of speaking to uphold. He was always honest with his son and he spoke with him and his people about the Agents of Lloth. It seemed Nosdyn's arrival was timely indeed.

"We've been aware of Lloth's Temple Agents moving against us for a while now. Months." Tharak says calmly. "Your arrival will serve as a dagger in t heir plans against us." Tharak had matured into a fine strategist.

Nosdyn nodded. "There is more." Nosdyn handed his son the small map. "They know about this temple I took a risk coming here, but it was well calculated and I stopped one of their Agents on the way here." He says grimly.

"I hope you made her suffer." Lilly says.

He nods. "Oh I did." Nosdyn responds calmly. He looks at Lilly and Tharak. "Is she here....N'Jal?" Nosdyn had to know.

Tharak shook his head. "No. N'Jal's movements have never been felt since that last battle with her. She's presumed dormant at this point."

Nosdyn nods. "Too bad I was hoping to speak with her about a matter." He says to them.

"A lot has changed Father. We no longer consider N'Jal an ally, we have to assume the Thaynehood is equally an enemy too." Tharak says. "With the death of Draconus and the banishment of N'Jal we know mortals can harm and even kill the Thaynehood." He says.

Nosdyn considers what is hearing. "I'd like to help you out my son."

"Father, your weapon will be welcome with us." Tharak says.