My thoughts on the Dajas Pagoda:

Bring back Scara Brae as a starting zone. Once you leave Scara Brae, or never if you don't start there at all, you can't return until you're level 10 (I just picked an arbitrary number). At level "10," you can return and challenge for a spot on the pagoda, and the challenged member must defend, or be forced out of scara brae. The loser has to go back out into the world and level up at least once before being eligible to return and challenge the pagoda again (paying the fee in full. it should probably be a sizable amount of gold that would reaaally make you think twice about challenging).

The defending master has one month to reply to the challenge, and replies also have a one month time limit. Failure to post in time results in forfeit.

Masters are chosen from a pool of active players above level "10".

Pagoda masters determine the current state of Scara Brae or some other executive power to sculpt a limited form of Althanas, but their mark is immediately removed if they are dethroned.

Idk. Obviously it wont be me designing the mechanics of the thing, but if something like this were to be a feature on althanas, I know it would be incentive for me to up my writing game, take advantage of work shops, and really push out content to reach higher level, rather than make new level ones (that deep sea worm guy wasn't me by the way. I don't know who that was, but I want to see that little fishy evolve into some titanic horror. Wherever you are, please come back and do something)