Vincent paused, letting the true squalor of his apartment truly settle in. He quietly thanked his past self for having enough will power and foresight to resist the urge to buy those smutty anime figurines. His sapphire eyes scanned over old memories, and several gross mistakes. Oh how long ago all of this felt, although perhaps it was just a matter of three or so years, it felt like a lifetime ago. Perhaps he had been too caught up living the dream, a young hero sent to a mysterious world to gallivant about and save it from monsters.

You know, like an Iseakai anime.

The idea of being an anime protagonist caused Vince to snort a bit, and soon a chuckle erupted from his throat. He rose to his feet and shuffled about, quickly beginning to straighten things up a bit. "You know, honestly with the shit we do on the regular, this is just another Thursday for us." He picked up and a figurine and motioned with his hand to move it over to a shelf across the room, instinctively using telekinesis. The figure immediately fell to the floor. He blinked, stunned for all of three seconds, and then sighed shaking his head. "I'm not sure what I expected."

Bending over, he scooped it up and set it back onto a shelf. He moved quickly, with all the grace and professionalism he had come to be known for over the past few years. Within a matter of minutes, all of the cups and garbage were properly tucked away in a massive trash bin, cans relegated to a OSHA compliant pyramid of sorts in his recycling bin. Every now and again he would stop, reading over various books or something on his phone. "Anyways, I'm glad my second world traveling trip was with you. The first time is always awkward, second time is usually when you enjoy it."