Philomel looked up at the young woman, her eyes blazing at mention of Shinsou.

"You go to Whitevale for him? To find him? Felicity," she breathed out slowly, shaking her head and frowning. "That man is good at heart, but do not throw everything in with him."

Lips pursing she looked over the fields to where Whitevale lay, somewhere beyond the horizon, but a city she herself had visited once long ago.

"Did you know that after the war and the meteor that he pledged himself to me and the Gilded Lily? But shortly thereafter he disappeared. He is my lover, the one man I thought I could be happy with, but ..."

She sighed, shaking her head. "The Brotherhood was wrong to attack Radasanth. You are wrong to throw your lot in with them. Yes they gave you a home and a reason, I am sure but ... They killed innocents. And not to mention all that mess with Arius."

Arius. The man who had threatened their very being, who had been anything but righteous and had been Shinsou's right hand man, but ended up deceiving them all.

"Don't. Go there. Come with me," she looked right up at her, eyes wide as the idea formed.

"Felicity, come with me to the Gilded Lily and show me a better way to live."