The cold winter snow drifted gently outside the window of the carriage. The child beamed as the looked outside. She had never been on an adventure before! Finally, she was away from her wooden house in the rural village of Deerhorn. She had traveled the mountainous roads and trenches of Eiskalt, down to the valley with her uncle and cousin. Apparently, they were going to meet Felicity's mother. She had moved to Unum soon after she was born and left her in her uncle's care. What was her mother like? The three year old jumped in her seat in anticipation. She would finally meet her mum!

"Felicity, please." The girl stopped jumping and turned to her uncle. He was reading a book at the other side of the tarp covered carriage. "Don't rock our ride."

Felicity let go of the cold window panes and lept, letting her bum slam into the seat. She heard her cousin chuckle next to her as her uncle sighed and continued reading.

Jonathan, Felicity's feisty older cousin, wiped some of the fog from his own window. "We're close. Should we..."

Fulcrum Rhyolite looked up from his book. "Yes. Felicity?"

"Aww!" Felicity muttered as scooted towards the edge of the seat. She hated bundling up. From next to him, Fulcrum pulled out a long shawl and leaned forward, wrapping it around her frame.

"Remember the rules, dear?" He asked as he took a cloak and pulled it over everything else.

Felicity reluctantly nodded. "Never pull down my hood. Cover my hair and forehead so no one knows I am half neanderthal."

Fulcrum pulled out a scarf and gently pulled it over her head, pushing her hairline back. "And why is that?"

Felicity blinked, twitching her left hand. Two months after being attacked in her own front yard, and she still could not feel her twisted pinky. "Because humans hate neanderthals, so they'll try to hurt me."

Fulcrum nodded with a soft, sad look. "Good job, sweetheart." He pulled the hood of the cloak over Felicity's head. There was still a chance some could take notice of Felicity's green eyes, but it was a detail they simply could not hide. Felicity slumped, feeling a tremendous weight for such a small child.

A harsh bumping started as the carriage stopped. Fulcrum and Jonathan exchanged expressions Felicity was unable to read.

Fulcrum blinked, "We have arrived."

Felicity lept down from her seat immediately, "Hooray!"

Fulcrum gasped as Jonathan leaned forward hastily. "Felicity, remember not to draw attention to yourself!"

Felicity looked up from the snowy ground, feeling a bit dashed. "But I'm so happy! I'm going to meet mummy!"

Jonathan gently took her shoulders, "I know. Just try to stay calm. So unlike you, I know..."

Once inside, Felicity was lead through the dark gothic halls of a large house. Shadows covered her. The Nixstella windows offered little light in the cloudy, snowy gloom. Eventually, they made it to a small room where a woman stood. She was physically fit, yet seemed old and tired. She pushed her long, black hair back as she gazed at Felicity's uncle.

"Fulcrum?" The woman took a step out of the shadows, then ran to him, "What are you doing here?" She hugged him quickly, her gothic dress flowing, before stepping back.

Fulcrum smiled, "I missed you, Roswitha-"

"-If you had not taken a new name in the mountains," Roswitha scorned, "We could be sister and brother here. Rhyolites."

Fulcrum shook his head, "You know I can't take that name again. For many reasons."

Names? Rhyolite? What was all this about? Felicity wanted to see her mom! Then again, the words spoken, of sister and brother. Perhaps..."

Roswitha frowned, "I suppose, I still have to accept that." She turned to the two children, "How's Jonathan?"

Felicity's cousin smiled, "Great! I plan on joining militia training next year, I'll be a great warrior!"

A soft smile spread across her face, "Spoken like a true Rhyolite. Hopefully, you can take in the name you've lost, at age."

Then, Roswitha looked down at the girl. Discomfort seemed to shine in her eyes, sending chills up Felicity's spine. "Who is this? Don't - don't tell me you brought-"

Felicity took a step forward, desperate, "Are you my mum?"

Silence. Some kind of uncomfortable silence. Roswitha grimaced, tearing up, "Fulcrum. What have you-"

Felicity was desperate. This had to be her mother! The toddler reached up for the rags on her head. She broke the rules. This was her own mother, after all. Maybe she would recognize her more if...

Felicity tore the hood back, pulling off the scarf. Red hair flowed in the dim, cold room as the girl took another step forward. She beamed, "Mummy! I'm Felicity!"

The woman took a step back. Why? Why was she flinching? Confusion took the girl as she reached out. She ran, wanting her mother so badly. "Mummy-"


Felicity found herself dazed and on the ground. a stinging sung in her cheek. What? She looked up to see Roswitha staring down at her with... with... anger and disgust.

"How dare! The audacity!"

Felicity was shell shocked as Jonathan ran and sat next to his cousin, "Felicity!"

The woman screamed, "Fulcrum, how could you! How could you bring that-that creature into my own home!"

Fulcrum was shocked as well, appalled and silent.

"I spent enough time growing that parasite for nine long months! I thought you would have the decency to kill it! But you brought that abomination before me! And it spoke to me!"

She turned away, "That is not my so called child! It is a neanderthal monster! Take it away! Go! All of you! You betrayed me today, Fulcrum!"