Pervert? he hadn’t done anything to be called that. He fell! He may have gotten a peak, but all the important bits were covered! That was hardly worth calling him a pervert for, I mean he was a pervert, but he didn't need to be called one.

“Oh rights! Them thingies don’t work well when you have been drinkins, they have a hards timesh determinings what you want them to do.” Seamus slurred as he struggled to stay up right.

“Seamus, you have been relieved of duty, too much longer and you may fall overboard, I will take the rest of your watch, who is the second watch? I will wake them in a little bit.” Leoric said as he winced and got to his feet and walked over to grab the still empty bottle and shoved the cold glass between his legs to cool off his Tiddly-Bits.

“I believish Aiden, he is second right in hammock.” he replied as he begun slowly stumbling towards his assigned sleeping hammock. The Bruised brawler leaned up against the railing and took a deep breath as he forced his arm back into the socket and let out a little whimper of pain. The stinging cold air felt beautiful across his face at the moment. It helped him focus on the moment and what was around him instead of just on the pain he was feeling, both from his kneed testicles and, from his newly relocated shoulder.

After what felt like hours of staring at the horizon for any ships or icebergs Leoric felt like it was about time to go wake up Aiden for his watch and then crawl into his little make shift room in the rowboat. On his way down the stairs be began to hear some sounds, not much at first but then a very sudden ‘NO!’ from the door to his right. He quickly channeled his magic and shoulder checked his way through the door. The door gave way surprisingly easy and Leoric found himself standing half way across the empty room. ‘Empty’ save for the barely dressed redhead that he seems to keep making a fool of himself in front of. He turned to look at her.

“You alright? I heard a commotion and you cry out.” Leoric said as he tried his best to turn his head away from her and not blatantly stare at her, after all his tenders were still rather … tender. “I’m uh, sorry, I will wait outside till you are a bit more dressed.”