Wake up, shape up, Hanuh enters the scene
Y'all be quaking cause you're about to get beat

I'm the perfect genetic specimen
About to dish out medicine

Prepare for my nature's fury, I'll destroy
Your paper egos and pretend egotistical ploys

Celandine, girl, I hate to roast you
But you're an overgrown baby and your momma issues are huge

Tobias, you're a record loser with no wins
Do you hate or wanna bang your Ethereal Sway victim?

Shinsou, why don't you take your superiority complex and push it somewhere else?
Unleashed? More like beat. Unforgiven, but can't admit it

Felicity, you may have suffered a lot of trauma
But the trauma you choose to obsess over is your not-boyfriend! What's this, a high school drama?

Philomel, when you you gonna learn to be an actual momma?
Stop whoring around before you taste Celandine's cold shoulder karma