So the idea was floated around last night about a text based D and D campaign. I'm potentially interested in running one, but please note that this is going to be pretty casual. I currently run one for about an hour a week.

General information:

  • You'll be starting at level 3.
  • The system will be D and D 5e because that's what I know best.
  • Generally, we'll play either 1 or 2 hours a week, and we'll work out a time and day that works for everyone.
  • It will be text based. This keeps things simple and it's a bit more casual.
  • There won't be any need to get up roll20. I'll be getting images and using a Google spreadsheet as a map.
  • We'll use discord for the majority of all roleplay.
  • I'm going to limit it to four people I think.
  • Two places have already been taken - Fae and Leoric are interested.
  • For ease of use I'll be running the first module of my home brew campaign. It's a basic people are going missing from the village type thing.
  • Any class and race are able to be used aside from UA. Please also DON'T use the D and D character app thing because from my experience it doesn't work properly.

Note: if you have an idea of class and race please post below. It'll be good to have a fairly balanced party but it's not necessary.

The lands of Sustiga. You are from the Motherland, a semi-democratic matriarchy, a great swathe of rich farmland, hills and forest. To the north over the ocean are the Dragon Lands and to the east is the Hadrian Empire, a military empire with a strict heirachy of thirteen classes (from emperor to slave). There is the land of the Unknown to the west over the sea where only a small mining town is. This is where the more exotic species come from.

Please note interest below.