Upon reading the paper, I raised an eyebrow. Even if I was apathetic these days, I had always been an expressive person. Still, this man was confident in his abilities. I knew from looking in the mirror never to doubt someone's skill based off of appearances, or age, or anything. I decided to watch my own back, but to give this Aldritch the benefit of the doubt.

I sighed, leaning against the counter as my hyper metabolism beckoned. With a sigh, I called to the waiter, "Hey, you know those high protein high calorie high everything bars? Get me an entire box - oh, and make sure it's the sweet kind. Not the disgusting trash that pretends to be chocolate until you taste it."

The waiter wordlessly nodded and turned to get them. My elbow against the counter, chin in my palm, I reached up and pushed back my sweat drenched hair. "And more water!"

I then turned my attention back to my new partner. "I have an arsenal. Two arming swords, a trident parrying dagger, a stilleto, a-" as two more glasses of water were slid before us, I brought the glass to my lips and chugged it down. Setting the glass on the counter, I continued, "-katana, war bow and arrows, these tactical gloves, a M.A.D. don't ask where I got it from I hate looking back, this gambeson, and a metal bird with gunpowder that I can telepathically control and make go boom."

The small wooden crate of protein bars was set before us. I immediately pulled one out and tore the wrapping off, shoving the first bite into my jaws. Good, this was that sweet vanilla coated one. With my mouth still full, I mumbled, "You can take some. Hurry before I eat this whole box."

After a massive bout of shoving the rest of the bar in my mouth like a snake, then loudly chewing and swallowing, I asked my second question. "Do you have magical powers or anything? Mine are basically don't make me bleed, I boom worse than my bird. But I'm wearing armor and heavy clothes so I should be fine. And you?"