Scarlet snapped her gaze toward Lichensith Ulroke, her knucles were shaking, and the table was splitting under the pressure of her grip and the miasma of her corrupted soul. She had seen enough. Shinsou was alive. Shinsou... never bothered to contact her, to let her know he was safe. The drunken wreck before her was all over another woman. It was clear. He had moved on and left her in the dust.

Her grip slowly loosened on the wood and Scarlet sighed. "Him being near me has the same effect as that soul vial. I hate it." Scarlet closed her eyes and took a few deep steadying breaths. Perhaps... what was said all those years ago held some sort of truth. He was a playboy, a man who took what he wanted and at the time, he wanted her. That was then, now.

Scarlet felt a familiar coldness wash over her. The cold unfeeling sensation. She had to concentrate on that, that's what her Master wanted after all. That was what she was now. Nothing more than a monster, and unlike those moments before she was ok with that. It was fitting.

Opening her Scelera gaze she turned her eyes onto Lye, blood seeped from his wound but he had returned to his usual self. There was something odd in her gaze, it was pain which sought comfort from the one constant that was in her life. The constant of her abusive master. She blinked, then it was the concern as her eyes danced between his wound and his face. She blinked finally... a calm acceptance.

Scarlet continued to explain what had occured, lifting a shaky hand to brush hair away from her forhead. It felt...unreasonably warm. A fever perhaps? She gave her head a slight shake, her voice low. "I thought he was dead. I tried to find him after that day but it seems he was preoccupied." The word held no malice, no pain. Just... an emotionless acceptance. "You always were right, Ulroke." Her gaze sweeped over the patrons.

A drunken Telgradian practically groping a brunette with shimmering eyes and taught muscles beneath clean armour...catgirls, far too many of them, pale skinned beauties, giants and members of the Tarot. They were all just noise.

It was all just...static.

It was then the man told her it was time to go, but not only her, told Amari it was time to go. "Didn't you say you killed her?" Scarlet asked, studying his gaze. Scarlet went to push herself up off the table, but the world span hard and fast around her and she felt her stomach heave. She covered her mouth as she retched, black pile peaked through her fingertips and splattered the floor in tiny droplets that hissed as though it were acidic tar.

She was falling, and then -

She had an arm around her waist. He had caught her. A bitter laugh bubbled through her lips. Still stained from whatever she had expelled from her. "I always was just an object to you, wasn't I?" Her eyes stared at the ground. "I'm yours, you own me." Her words came out as breathed whispers between insane giggles. "Toys break Ulroke."

Beneath her dress there was a crack, and the very sleeve was eaten away as a hiss escaped; black mist formed around the wound. Her soul. It wafted around her arm like a sickly cloud. Small and sparse but its presence was an omen.

She really was breaking.