The next morning she stirred, she knew that she had been extremely vulnerable last night. Aerith would have chided her for being so sentimental, quietly she got up, and grabbed a few logs setting them in a square configuration. Lighting the fire she nodded and took a water skin from her satchel. Quickly changing shirts she carefully poured a bit of water and washed her face, hiding the tear streaks.

She had experience pulling herself back together.

Feeling like she had successfully freshened up, she ventured a glance at Scarlet looking at the woman as she slept. Her mother had told her once that you could tell more about a person by watching them sleep, than you ever could awake. People would hide things, even the most open person in the world would never reveal everything. Sleep, was when the mask came off, and if you watched carefully, you could get a glimpse of the person underneath. She studied Scarlet's sleeping form, knowing it was probably past the point she could get such a glimpse. When she saw nothing change she shrugged and moved to leave the cave to look for food, she left her pack behind, letting Scarlet know she’d be back.

The morning are was crisp a comforting relief to the woman who was still pulling herself together. Her father was a sore subject, and Scarlet had pulled quite a bit out of her. She didn't even know why it bothered her so much to hear a declaration he loved her. She knew he had cared to some extent, she just also knew that it wasn't enough to risk her life, like he couldn't trust her. She could feel the old cauldron of emotions inside bubbling and stamped it down. One night of blubbering and reminiscing was enough, any more was an indulgence and one she wasn't looking for. She shook her head and sighed looking for signs of wild game in the area and muttered, “Leave it to family to make me a wreck…”

It didn't take long before she spied tracks. Moving carefully she pulled her dagger, carefully stalking her prey. Reaching what looked like an empty log she moved carefully until she saw it, a dirty brown hare hiding in the hollowed out log. She smirked and moved slowly, trying not the startle it and got as close as she could, out of sight of the hare. Knife in hand she carefully gauged where it should be before she stabbed her blade down, wounding the critter and causing it to begin to flee. It was hobbled unable to move fast before she scruffed it and ended its life quickly. Moving back to the cave she smiled and said, “Rabbit for breakfast sounds perfect..

Careful not to drag the carcass against the ground she entered the cave and sighed looking to where she had last seen Scarlet and said. “Rise and shine Lady Scarlet! I caught us some breakfast, and we have a runaway to catch…”

Scarlet had already woken, dressed, and put out the fire. She had her own pack on and looked as though she were ready to leave. “What? Do we have time to be eating now?”

Sam looked down at the rabbit and sighed before she shrugged, “Got a point. She's already cut across territory I wasn't expecting her to go, I'll save it for dinner or after we catch her…” She grabbed a small bit of rope and tied it to her satchel, “Alright, let's go, I just want this to be over.”

Once more she crawled out of the cave and dusted herself off, waiting for Scarlet as she looked around her eyes now looking for signs finger prey. To be honest she felt the most herself while hunting, being free to chase down and capture her prey, it was something she was good at. Though a part of her was startled at how good she was at hunting her fellow man. It took her a moment before she nodded, “She's heading for the forest's edge, we don't catch her today, she won't be caught. Too many roads to double back and take. Too many crowds to duck and hide in, hell if I was her I'd be hiding in a caravan soon as I saw one, doesn't matter where it goes, so long as it's not Underwood.”

“Right. Let’s go.” Scarlet said. It was almost as if last night didn’t happen. She was either pretending it didn’t happen for Samantha’s sake, or was it something else? Samantha was a little worried, because all it would take is Scarlet telling Aerith about last night and it would be over. She'd be locked up and chained to that fucking wheelchair again. Thayne she hated Aerith's wheelchair.

Moving along she frowned seeing boot prints in the ground and snapped her fingers to get the crimson haired girls attention. She wrinkled her nose as the trail, moving out of N’jalian territory. If it was Anastasia Rios, it made sense. She followed the trail heading out of the woods and muttered, “Let's hope you aren't expecting us, or we're going to regret this…”

The trail continued for a couple of hours the prints deep, indicating she wasn't running, each step was deliberate and methodical. Finally she led to a small cave that Samantha explored. A fire ring had been built and a hand touching the bare ground beneath it indicated it was only slightly warm. It had been used this morning, and had they enjoyed breakfast they would have lost the trail. Samantha mumbled softly to herself and exited the cave to a waiting Amari and gestured forth, “She was here this morning. I think she's trying to not get caught and slowed down to make sure she could avoid the spiders. I mean it's smart, but she blew her days head start.”