There was a different world at the other side of the waterfall. An aged, dank world that smelled like sharp pine and sweet rot. There were no green growth here, but there was a dust and a thick layer of ash on the ground. They stood in a large hall covered in shadows with giant statues lining the two sides, and there were crumbling doorways towards the back of the hall. The air felt wet and cold, and she could clearly see Hruine shiver. Serves him right. What sort of idiot went into the river with all their clothes still on?

He glared at her approach, and then snapped his fingers to start a fire. It glowed in the center of his palms. “I thought I told you to stay?”

She ignored him. Her inner shirt was wet, so she stripped it off, fully aware that he was watching. He turned away at the first peek of her stomach. The bundle against her chest, however, proved to be mostly dry. She shrugged into her outer tunic and boots. Then she pulled her wet hair into a tight bun, and tied it with a leather cord. Much better.

“Here,” she said, tossing him her cloak. “It’s dry.”

He caught it with his free hand, and stared at her.

“It’s dry and this place is cold,” she explained, peering at their surroundings. “You’re wearing velvet. They don’t dry well, or quickly. Even with a fire.”

What sort of idiot wore velvet in the wilderness anyways? She hadn’t realized it at first, but it was blatantly clear once she started walking with him. It was surprising how little he knew about surviving the world outside in general. He was better than her in every way at magics and sorcery, better than anyone else in the Temple, but it would be a wonder if he survived outside of Temple for very long.

He nodded eventually, and extinguished the fire in his hands. WIthout another word, he peeled off his wet things, and swung her cloak around him. She was not so polite about not looking, and stared at his muscled back in interest. He pulled up the hood too, and she thought she saw a hint of flush on his face.


“I’ll wait --” She had barely finished the sentence before the waterfall rippled again. Blond hair. It was followed by three additional ripples.

Her lips snapped shut. Hruine’s back was facing the waterfall and he was wearing her cloak. She was half hidden in the shadows and darkness of the hall. She saw Darger’s blue eyes glint in the dark, catching sight of her cloak. She his hands moved towards his sword. She saw water drip from his toothy grin. He looked like a drenched snake about to pounce.

She would have no better opportunity.

“Help me,” she whispered.

Without another word, she sprinted for doors at the back of the hall, even as she heard Darger roar and drew his blade, and the cacophony of his cronies footsteps.