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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    EXP: 18,921, Level: 5
    Level completed: 83%, EXP required for next Level: 1,079
    Level completed: 83%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,079


    Sivienna Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    “DAMN BRAT!” Lord Mizami roared, his lavender hues darkening in anger, he sidestepped to avoid his daughter’s fiery elemental beast, the air chilling as his aura’s power increased around him. Glaring at his rebellious daughter he hissed “I tried to offer you an olive branch my dear, tried to give you a chance to earn your way back into the family’s good graces. But no!” elegantly he slashed his sword evenly at the fire wolf’s stomach, a yelp could be heard as Sivi’s dear wolf disappeared in a puff of smoke.

    Sheathing his sword, his smile was thin almost mocking as he purred darkly “Now it's time for you to pay the price for your insolence my darling little girl! Time for you too see why I discarded your mother! Why you had to flee for your life, if you had only been a good little doll like your sister, you’d be so content now!” his lavender eyes then closed, a soft chant hovering across the grassy battlefield, as roars and shrieks could be heard from the two mighty beasts clashing around the father and daughter.

    The night angel’s dragon was roaring viciously, its flank bleeding slightly from a deadly slash from Amon’s claws. Its patience was wearing thin as it slashed with its heavy claws at Amon’s stomach. The demon roared in pain as a deadly slash opened up in its belly from the mystical creature’s attack.

    Growling deeply and warningly, the crimson demon’s wings flapped, a whoosh of air blowing across the grassy field as he roared “Time to die dragon! You say you're my strength, we’ve been evenly matched so far but can you handle this?” he then opened his mouth wide, a jet of crimson flames begin to form into a large ball of fire. The demon’s red eyes glowed brightly before he released his flame attack. A howl of victory escaping as he murmured “Time to die!”

    Sivienna hissed, her own lavender hues shining brightly as she screamed into her dragon’s mind My father’s demon is clueless! You are immune to fire, you thrive in the heat! Finish this beast now, use your acid breathe, but first fly up into the sky to avoid that tornado of crimson death! Then use your acid breathe to melt the flesh from my dad’s hellish creature! She then turned to her father, giving a mock bow she murmured “My little sister is the brat father! I chose the better path! FREEDOM! Even if you say I have a chance to be brought back into the family fold, I wouldn’t want that! Life is better without it being run by you!”

    Hearing its mistress’s orders echoing in its mind, the dragon’s great leathery wings begin to beat against the still air, the pressure of it all causing little spirals of grass to lift up from the ground and twirl like mini tornadoes in the air. Its cry of victory echoed against the moonlit night as it lifted its great presence into the air. Smoke begin to issue from its nostrils, as Amon’s burning wall of flames passed just beneath the ancient creature’s flying form. Opening its cavernous mouth, a great purplish-green ball of flame begin to form in the beast’s mouth.

    Amon growled as he began to flap his own leathery bat-wings, its eager greed for victory would be its demise as he charged for the dragon, his own mouth opening as he began to shoot balls of flame at the dragon’s scale covered hide roaring “No you don’t! I won’t be banished again by a dragon!” the demon received no response from Sivi’s ancient dragon as he simply released his acid flame breathe right into Amon’s face.

    It hit the demon square on in the face, as he howled in pain, once Sivi’s beast had used its breathe attack, it begin to fade from existence, it had just enough time to swat Lord Mizami’s summon to the ground as he roared into his mistress’s mind It is weakened mistress! Finish it now! The dragon then disappeared in a puff of purple-red smoke.

    Listening to her ancient creature’s last words of advice, the exotic dancer charged at the writhing demon, the acrid smell of burnt flesh was heavy in the air, as the vampriess nimbly leapt onto the fire demon’s bleeding stomach, ignoring the scent of blood, she flexed her dragon bone claws agilely, before swiping with a flurry of attacks at Amon’s throat. Her eyes were shining once she leapt off the beast’s leathery bat-wing and he disappeared in a huge puff of black-red smoke. Grinning like a cat who caught the mouse Sivi exclaimed at her father “I”m stronger than you think dad! I just banished YOUR demon!” she was all smiles staring gloatingly at her father’s angry darkened form.

    Raoul’s voice was suave, dark as he cooed “So my baby is powerful! Rebellious to my rules! SO WHAT! LIKE I SAID IT'S TIME TO PAY THE PRICE FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!” he then finished his chant, the interruption to it not halting it at all, as dark purple shadow hands begin to erupt like ghouls from the soft dirt of the battlefield. They caught the sultry night vixen by her arms and ankles as they begin to pull her with ease toward Lord Mizami’s tall form.

    A scream of panic erupted from Sivi’s full lips, her angry form turning to panic as she shrieked out “Fuck! What the hell!” fear was evident in her raising voice as she shrieked “When did you get this spell you bastard!” her panic stricken lavender eyes stared into her father’s own matching ones. An evil grin was on his face as he sweetly mocked “That’s more like it my prodigal daughter, fearful, looking at me like I’m a god! This is more like it!” He then placed his hands gently on his daughter’s forehead, it almost looked like he was going to stroke her hair, but instead he said strictly “Night my dear! Say hello to your mother for me!”

    Sivi’s vision begin to blur dramatically, her head lolling to the side as the only thing supporting her was her father’s shadow hands. Her mind begin to fade as the illusion spell begin to take effect, the day sunny, the air light. Her hands felt small again as if she was a child once more. Shock filled her voice as she began to hear a sweet familiar voice, a voice she never thought she’d hear again….Mom? She thought dazedly, no it can’t be? What did my father do to me?

    Raoul laughed softly as he turned to Seth, his lavender hues bright as he murmured “That should break her! She was mommy’s little girl after all! Now as for you! Broken and tattered by your own son? You really hide behind a wall of weakness Dahlios! You can’t even bring yourself to kill family! Pitiful! So frail and tired!” his voice then rose strictly his dark lavender orbs falling on Salil, in a no nonsense voice he ordered “Kill your father for the cattle he is Salil! Prove your loyalty to me! Show me you aren’t weak like your parents are! Show me you have the guts to get the job done when it's needed!”

  2. #2
    Junior Member

    EXP: 153,793, Level: 17
    Level completed: 10%, EXP required for next Level: 16,207
    Level completed: 10%,
    EXP required for next Level: 16,207

    Dissinger's Avatar


    Seth Dahlios
    Seth lay on the ground for what seemed like ages. Staring up into the nights sky brought a calm comfort, and Salil looked down at his father concerned. For a moment, Seth saw Salil stripped bare. Behind the mask he could tell the boy was struggling.

    Seth closed his eyes and spoke, “Don't worry, I'll be kicking his ass in no time.” He opened them to see the eyes widen, and the thief slowly got up, peeling himself from the blood soaked ground. Raoul looked to the rising Demon and frowned.

    “Stay down and die like the prey you are Seth Dahlios,” Raoul commanded. A knife left it's holster and began to dance in an intricate manner before the man continued, “Parlor tricks and flair are no match for several hundred years of experience Dahlios. You're merely a loose end I will clean up-”

    “For a pat on the head from Cardenas. We all know how much you love to suck his cock,” Seth finished his tone dry. Raoul’s eyes widened as Seth continued, “You may have been a tool, but you actually gave the order that got my sister sired. I'm gonna need blood now, your blood. You can either make reparations, or I'll take it from your body. Either way, I'm getting that blood.”

    The elder Vampire narrowed his eyes dangerously and gave an imperceptible nod. Seth, too caught up in his wrath failed to noticed his Son had followed behind him. As the boy moved to strike a small figure darted and the claws missed Human flesh. A cry pierced the night, and the demon moved in a flash.

    Salil’s gauntlets were covered in the kitsune's blood and the Demon growled out in unrestrained anger. Heat poured from the thief as the sounds of ancient gears grinding echoed in his head. The Wrath Engine starting up. The warm air exploding out from him in a burst that sent the night’s fog out in a steamy burst. Seth’s first words were for his son, “Time’s up, I'm putting you in time out.”

    Salil was frozen in time, black energy firing off before the prodigal son could blink. He struggled to move and felt Seth’s indomitable will hold him in place. The young boy felt it, the seething anger and hatred locking him in place. Attack done he knelt to the kitsune and gently picked it up.

    “You're certainly loyal,” Seth replied.

    “And you're a fool, but mistress loves you in spite of that. I should have involved myself when he was actually hurting you,” The words were thick, the kitsune having problems biting them off.

    Seth gently set the fox on the ground with his jacket as blanket, “I got it from here, you rest…”

    “You're a blind fool if you think he'll let you just steal his blood. You're far too wounded to take him,” The Kitsune offered. Seth nodded.

    “I'll be fine, he's a pushover,” Seth replied. Raoul looked at the thief casually dismissing him before he snorted softly and moved. The thief stared forward impassively and sidestepped the cane blow that was meant to hit the back of his head. Rather than gut the bastard, Seth went one better. The cane bowed when it struck the ground, and before the vampire lord could pull it back Seth’s dirty boot hit it, right at the bend, and with a snap the cane shattered, “You're a one trick pony. Bad boys get their toys taken away.”

    Raoul looked at the broken cane and tossed the broken shard away. His eyes full of seething hatred at the Dahlios who’s furious gaze matched his own. The heat reaching a sweltering heat. Raoul narrowed his eyes and spoke, “You may have some skill boy, but you're still years away from me when it comes to magic.”

    “Too bad you blew your load on Sivienna. See, you throw everything you got at someone hoping to destroy them outright. It isn't savvy, not particularly cunning, but to those who watch it sure is flashy…” Seth retorted, “You're done Lord Mizami…”

    Raoul disappeared showing next to Sivienna. With a knife he collected blood from Sivi while Seth struggled to close the distance. He moved so damn fast, and the Demon had taken a shot to his gut. He could feel the engine lurch and go into overdrive. White light seeped from the wounds along with blood. The Lavinian watched him carefully put the vial in a pocket before he spoke, “Business has been attended to, now it's time for pleasure. I'm going to enjoy proving you wrong human. I'll beat you to the death you so justly deserve, you gave her one child, and she bears another, I can only imagine that's your doing as well…”

    Seth reeled for a second time but refused to lower his guard as Lord Mizami moved again. He could feel the engine reaching its limits and the Demon realized what had to be done. “Life is passing you by…” he muttered, and with the grey energy forming about him fired point blank into the Lord Mizami, ducking under a kick meant to remove his head. Mizami went wide eyed at the second miss, and the demon let a wild grin play on his face. A knife slid up Raoul’s leg causing the vampire to hiss in a manner he had not done in many years.

    He clutched his legs as the muscles spammed to a close, his eyes boring into Seth’s own. The demon was on the attack slashing and carving into the lord, who found himself tapping into his immortal stamina just to keep up. It was taxing to the vampire lord who found those damnable blades sapping more of his vigor with each pain fueled slash. All the while that bright light only grew brighter, “What is that!?”

    “Oh nothing, just a mana construct I fused to my soul,” Seth replied nonchalantly.

    Raoul reeled at the information and hissed, “You’re going to kill us both!”

    “It won't stick, monks and all that shit...but I gotta admit I've never seen what happens if the mana reservoir boils over,” Curiosity touched Seth’s voice. Raoul was trying to get away when quicksilver splashed out over the ground. The Lord Mizami went wide eyed as chains, chains that would require him not to be fighting the Demon wrapped about his shoulders. With his speed slowed, he could exert nowhere near the pressure to make the human Cattle pay for the insolence and white light exploded from the thief burning the both of them.

    The chains dissolved, sending the vampire lord rocketing across the arena. Salil felt another wave of superheated air and covered his face, and looked up to see his battlefield destroyed. Lord Mizami lay at the edges of the clearing, and was not moving. Seth had collapsed to a knee, and seemed to be unmoving. Sivienna was resting on the ground next to him, and Salil could see Seth had not faced the missing Mizami when he exploded. Footsteps crunching in the night air as he approached his father his eyes wide.

    Seth had been kneeling, butcher was barely awake. His eye turned to Salil and he let out a soft grunt of acknowledgement, “This is your chance. I doubt I can move fast enough, I feel like a spit roasted rabbit…”

    “We’re done for today,” Salil said softly and jogged to check on his grandfather.

  3. #3

    EXP: 18,921, Level: 5
    Level completed: 83%, EXP required for next Level: 1,079
    Level completed: 83%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,079


    Sivienna Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    A woman was standing smiling sweetly at a younger Sivienna Mizami, the woman’s pale face shared the same features at the little vampire. Her face heart shaped the only difference was a little spot of green in the beautiful older vampire’s eyes, her hair was a long flowing locks of purple tinged just at the end with glistening black. Her outfit consisted of a long flowing Blue gown, with soft flats covering Sivienna’s mother’s feet. The scent of lavender was heavy in the air, as little Sivi was sharing in shock at her alive mother. Shaking her little head, she looked down at her hands, they were smaller, less shapely, somehow her father had warped her back to a much younger time in her life...a time when her dear sweet, innocent mother was still alive…

    Looking around, she had to shield her eyes, the sun...hurt, which was unfamiliar to the young dancer. Moving deeper into a shaded tabletop, the child looked up at a bright purple umbrella, shading her father and mother from the sun’s harmful rays. Tea and crumpets was being served by one of their human thralls, a young girl with bright blonde hair. Shaking her head, Sivi’s mouth formed an O as she realized what day her father had thrust her back into. Fear was in her face as she tried to stutter out “!” but the words wouldn’t leave her lips. It was almost as if she couldn’t speak.

    The human thrall looked up and murmured “Young miss, your father wants you to join the family at the table. Tea is about to be served.”

    Raoul smiled disarmingly at his daughter as he said strictly “Come Sivi dear, you have an appointment with Master Draistol for lessons after this, you don’t want to be late…” He then turned to his wife as he said softly “Honey, a carriage will be picking you up shortly...I’ll have Mary here shade you with an umbrella when it arrives. You need to pick up my order for the kitchen from the market.”

    Sivienna’s mother smiled the sweetest smile ever as she said with kindness in her voice “Yes love, that would be my pleasure. But, please make sure Mary doesn’t drop the umbrella, I nearly got burned the last time a servant was clumsy…”

    “”Oh course darling.” Lord Mizami purred, before he gave an imperceptible nod to his left. A bodyguard, darkly clad was standing to his left as he nodded his head murmuring “Mary, Lord Mizami needs you to help in the kitchens. He forgot to bring his wife’s favorite cake. Be a dear and fetch it please?

    Mary’s little blue eyes went wide, fear in them as she muttered “B...b..but, Lord Malik, I’m supposed to escort the mistress to her carriage!” turning to look at Sivi’s mom, her little lip trembled as she finished meekly “Then escort little lady Sivi to her lessons with Master Draistol!”

    Malik’s dark eyes glittered eerily in the shade of the umbrella, his lips pursed as he said succiently “Little cattle, listen to your betters! Sivi’s teacher has already been notified! You did not see, but he is already waiting for his pupil, while scarfing down on tea and crumpets over there. You be a good OBEDIENT little dear and do as my lord orders!”

    Mary gulped, the fear in her eyes only increasing as she bowed her head, her long locks of blonde falling in front of her face, nodding meekly without saying anything else, she scurried off to fetch her mistress’s treat.

    The air was gently, humid and breezy as the Mizami family dined on their tea and biscuits, talk was minimal as the little Mizami vampiress found herself immediately sipping tea like a good little girl and primly eating a blueberry crumpet. The taste felt bitter in her mouth though, as she was not enjoying this at all. It felt like a ticking time bomb to her, the countdown to the horrible fate she knew was coming. As she wiped a cotton napkin against her mouth, she heard the telltale CLIP, CLIP of hooves approaching, she wanted to cry out to dive onto her mother to prevent her leaving.

    Instead, she saw Malik coming primly with an umbrella in hand, he opened it with a small POP and walked easily over to Mistress Mizami, bowing regally to her he murmured “Your ride awaits my lady.” he then took her slim hand and kissed it softly, helping her up. He then nodded to Raoul, a signal that his words were about to be done. The pair began to walk to a waiting carriage shrouded in a black cloth. Two black stallions were whinnying and stomping impatiently as the driver, a little demon with a red top hat bowed and said “I shall take Lady Mizami to market.”

    However, that never happened, it only seemed like minutes, but really was only mere seconds; before the umbrella shading Sivienna’s mother disappeared. Malik returning back to the safety of shadows through a simple portal he had called before tossing the umbrella away.

    Screams could be heard, loud, fearful issuing from the beautiful vampriess throat. An instant later, Sivi herself was running out to her burning mother, she could see bright orange flames engulfing her beloved mother in an instant. Her little arm reached out trying to grasping her mother’s burning hands. As she felt death licking at her own body to, tears were falling like rain from her lavender orbs, as her mouth finally worked as she screamed “MOMMY NO! DON’T DIE PLEASE! I NEED YOU! I LOVE YOU!” she could feel her body dancing with flames, the hand of death ready to claim her as well.

    The tears continued to splash as she tried to connect with her mother’s slowly turning to ash body, fear was in her heart as she wanted to save her dear sweet mother. Instead she was saved, a dark red blanket covering her slowly burning form as a familiar voice hissed “God dammit dear! To impulsive! Don’t you listen to anything I ever teach you Miss Sivi?” Draistol drawled, before he turned eyeing Lord Mizami angrily. The perverted instructor said no words, just simply disappeared with Lady Mizami’s young daughter, knowing full well that death had been what Raoul had wanted for his unwanted wife and rebellious, non-moldable daughter.

    The sultry night angel’s mind was beginning to clear, she could feel grass beneath her body, could smell the scorched wind from the battle between her father’s demon and her dragon. She could still feel the cold, unfeeling after affect of her father’s shadow hands. She could also feel anger, rage swelling in her heart. The last fleeting memory of her mother’s death was in her mind. Her perverted instructor saving her, saying does she ever follow his teachings?

    I do Master Draistol…. Her mind screamed hotly, as she could feel heat licking all around her body. She looked a sight a flaming vindictive ghost rising up from the grassy plane, almost instinctively her lavender orbs fell on her father’s rising form. You could feel the humidity pulse against the grassy plane, as bright purple flames begin to snake their way around the night vixen’s normally soft hands.

    Gauntlets of fire, bright, purple and shining wrapped around Sivienna’s fists. Her eyes flashed as the flames died down from her body. Her voice was fierce filled with rage as she shrieked “Fuck you father! Now I know the truth of why mom died! You never wanted her, BUT! YOU NEARLY KILLED ME TOO! MASTER DRAISTOL SAVED ME! “ her voice quieted as she finished “Now time for some payback!”

    Feeling the remnants of her new spell flash fiercely, the agile dancer charged at her father’s risen form. Shock was in his eyes as he was cobbling himself back together from his tangle with Seth. Blazing fists begin to punch and hit every part of his body. As his angered daughter was holding nothing back, once again he was knocked back, heated flaming wrapping around his body as he begin to light up like a torch. Shock was in his voice as in a weak, dazed voice he asked “What did you learn my brat? What hidden spell is this that the flames can tear into my body.”

    Sivienna grinned like a cat as she purred “Hell’s inferno, one spell Master Draistol never got a chance to teach me. I never had enough anger, rage to learn it. You father gave me that gift! So, thank you AND GO TO HELL! BURN LIKE YOU MEANT ME TO WITHER AND DIE!” Sivi screamed as she did one more fierce punch to her father’s gut. Sending him flying against a giant gray shaped rock, as the flames lit his body up like the morning sun.

    Turning to tiredly grin at Seth she whispered “That should do it…” her flaming fists slowly died away as she gasped and murmured “Reliving how I learned my resistance to sunlight sure is a bitch…”

  4. #4
    Junior Member

    EXP: 153,793, Level: 17
    Level completed: 10%, EXP required for next Level: 16,207
    Level completed: 10%,
    EXP required for next Level: 16,207

    Dissinger's Avatar


    Seth Dahlios

    He was in pain. It certainly hurt. Being the epicenter of an explosion ranked up there with the top three most painful moments of his life. He had been burned alive in the oils of a chandelier during the Serenti by Letho, that had certainly hurt like a bitch. Then against Zephyriah Albione he had been electrocuted when he had made the mistake of being in a puddle when the man had shot lightning into it. Both had been extremely painful. However, this one certainly made top three, he just wasn’t sure which one hurt more anymore.

    He tilted his head back and saw the Kitsune, staring at him from his jacket as it shook it’s head, “You are not a fool. You’re just suicidal.”

    The rumbling of laughter began in his chest, and despite the pain it hit the air as Seth winced in pain, his tolerance at its limits. He drew in a breath and hissed looking up at Sivienna, “Sorry, I went and did something monumentally stupid. Forgive me?”

    Kneeling down, Sivi moved to brush a stray lock of Seth’s hair away from his face, a smile was on her soft lips as she murmured “Always the idiot. Stupid fool Seth, you're forgiven yes”.

    He winced once more and laughed before he spoke, “You sure like to put the salt in the wound...not that I don’t deserve it….This is going to hurt like a bitch…” He hissed as he clutched the gift of the magi. The wounds inflicted themselves as Seth felt the burns reopen up. His back arched momentarily before he relaxed on the ground. His eyes closed before he spoke, “That’s never going to get easier…” in the wake of the magic passing over him he brushed the blood from his arms, revealing flawless skin underneath. He sat up in a practiced motion and hunched forward shaking his head.

    Eyes rested on the Thief Extraordinaire, and he waited patiently before he looked up into the cold grey of his son’s. He got up and spoke candidly, “Still think grandpa knows what the fuck he’s talking about? Both of us nearly killed him. He obviously doesn’t know a fucking thing that he talks about.”

    Salil looked at his father and shook his head, “You’re insane…”

    “Hardly one to talk yourself kid. No one in our family is sane. Not me, not you, not your mother...I mean she puts up with my dumb ass. Thayne knows why…” Seth replied firmly. He gave Sivienna a wry smirk before he said, “Stick with us, learn the truth from people that actually care. Not from a fossilized vampire who got his ass handed to him the first time he stepped beyond the boundaries of his domain.”

    Salil shook his head slowly and removed the mask, hanging it from his hip. He looked down at his grandfather and spoke, “Go, the kitsune has little time left. Let him see the monks. I have similar allies to attend to. We’ll meet one day Seth Dahlios, and we will finally get each other’s full measure. Mother…” He gave a casual salute to her before” he gently lifted up the body of Lord Mizami and moved into the darkness where he began to disappear, his voice echoing, “Tonight was enlightening, I wonder the truth behind my Aunt’s claims…”

  5. #5

    EXP: 18,921, Level: 5
    Level completed: 83%, EXP required for next Level: 1,079
    Level completed: 83%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,079


    Sivienna Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    “Salil!” Sivienna stammered softly, biting her lips as she whispered “Please, don’t go. My father only wants to use…” the vampiress was unable to finish her sentence as she watched her son disappear with her father in his arms. A groan escaped her lips as she looked at Seth murmuring weakly “I feel like hell. This whole visit went to hell.” she covered her face with her hands, her strength shattering as she could smell her kistune’s weakened form.

    She wailed “Why did my father have to get involved Seth? If he hadn’t been here...maybe, just maybe we could have reasoned with our son…”

    “That’s exactly why he’s here. He wants our Son, for you I’m betting. He got a vial of your blood, but I’m sure there’s more to it. We’ll know in due time,” Seth replied bluntly. He carefully picked up the Kitsune in his coat before he spoke, “I’m sorry, I dismissed you way too easily. I’m not used to fighting with you.”

    Sivienna rose unsteadily to her feet, her eyes widening in shock, before anger flashed briefly in them as she growled “That bastard!” a hand hand explored her body, looking for regenerating flesh as she finished up “I know exactly what he needed my blood for…..Rianna, so she could walk in the sun too! God damn it!” she looked at Seth murmuring “He knows my little sister’s weakness, she’ll never go through the hell I went through Seth. So he’s giving her an easy out to learn the same gift I did!”

    Serenity whimpered in pain, curling into the warmth of Seth’s coat she weakly said “I didn’t….” a yelp interrupted as the fox continued “ t..rust you either, Seth. Always though you were a fool, sweet words to sweep mistress...o..ff her feet.” her chocolate brown eyes closed, just talking seeping the strength from the injured kistune’s body as she finished “ I see you care for her deeply…”

    “It’s okay, the demo title gets everyone on edge,” Seth responded. He looked to Sivienna,”Too bad he underestimated a vial? I’m not sure how long this stuff keeps…” Seth replied. He held up a blood soaked dagger and spoke, “I think we both know someone who could do with some Vampire Lord Blood.”

    The night angel’s lavender orbs lit up wide in shock, before she knelt down and rummaged through her bag, coming up with an empty vial, she uncorked it and held it out to Seth murmuring “Sarah, she could be helped from the curse my family put on her…”

    “It’s the least I can do for her, after the hell she went through on my account. Course, she won’t talk to that leaves one person to hopefully snap her out of her stubborn pride…” Seth said. The blood was dropped into the vial and filled it a quarter of the way before he shook his head, “Wish I got more off the bastard.”

    The exotic dancer carefully took the vial from Seth’s hands and gently placed it back in her bag. A smile was on her face as she exclaimed “This is enough to help her Seth don’t worry.” moving to hug him she murmured “I”ll drag her back from wherever she’s hiding. If it's stubborn that’ll knock some sense into Sarah’s head, then I’m the woman for the job!”

    “Thanks Sivienna, I owe you…”

    “We’re family Seth. You owe me nothing.” Sivi responded softly, as she turned to head towards the exit portal, waving her hands murmuring “Hurry Seth, Serenity needs attention or she’s not going to make it!” The vixen exclaimed, as she felt the familiar tug on her navel as she was pulled through the portal and back into the citadel’s hallway. Seth soon followed suit, as two dark robed monks appeared quickly taking Serenity from Seth’s arms murmuring “We’ll attend to her.”

    With that taken care of Sivi murmured “This has been a hell of a day Seth, we’ll just have to see what happens from here…”

    Seth nodded softly before he spoke, “We got time. Salil isn't so far gone, I shocked him for a moment, he's not beyond hope.”

    Sivienna wrapped her arms around her waist, hugging herself she whispered “I hope we can save him, it pains me to have lost him as a child, now after finally seeing him grown, I just want him happy.” looking into Seth’s eyes she murmurs “I know we’ll get a chance to save him though, there's always hope Seth.”

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