A woman was standing smiling sweetly at a younger Sivienna Mizami, the woman’s pale face shared the same features at the little vampire. Her face heart shaped the only difference was a little spot of green in the beautiful older vampire’s eyes, her hair was a long flowing locks of purple tinged just at the end with glistening black. Her outfit consisted of a long flowing Blue gown, with soft flats covering Sivienna’s mother’s feet. The scent of lavender was heavy in the air, as little Sivi was sharing in shock at her alive mother. Shaking her little head, she looked down at her hands, they were smaller, less shapely, somehow her father had warped her back to a much younger time in her life...a time when her dear sweet, innocent mother was still alive…

Looking around, she had to shield her eyes, the sun...hurt, which was unfamiliar to the young dancer. Moving deeper into a shaded tabletop, the child looked up at a bright purple umbrella, shading her father and mother from the sun’s harmful rays. Tea and crumpets was being served by one of their human thralls, a young girl with bright blonde hair. Shaking her head, Sivi’s mouth formed an O as she realized what day her father had thrust her back into. Fear was in her face as she tried to stutter out “No...mo...mommy!” but the words wouldn’t leave her lips. It was almost as if she couldn’t speak.

The human thrall looked up and murmured “Young miss, your father wants you to join the family at the table. Tea is about to be served.”

Raoul smiled disarmingly at his daughter as he said strictly “Come Sivi dear, you have an appointment with Master Draistol for lessons after this, you don’t want to be late…” He then turned to his wife as he said softly “Honey, a carriage will be picking you up shortly...I’ll have Mary here shade you with an umbrella when it arrives. You need to pick up my order for the kitchen from the market.”

Sivienna’s mother smiled the sweetest smile ever as she said with kindness in her voice “Yes love, that would be my pleasure. But, please make sure Mary doesn’t drop the umbrella, I nearly got burned the last time a servant was clumsy…”

“”Oh course darling.” Lord Mizami purred, before he gave an imperceptible nod to his left. A bodyguard, darkly clad was standing to his left as he nodded his head murmuring “Mary, Lord Mizami needs you to help in the kitchens. He forgot to bring his wife’s favorite cake. Be a dear and fetch it please?

Mary’s little blue eyes went wide, fear in them as she muttered “B...b..but, Lord Malik, I’m supposed to escort the mistress to her carriage!” turning to look at Sivi’s mom, her little lip trembled as she finished meekly “Then escort little lady Sivi to her lessons with Master Draistol!”

Malik’s dark eyes glittered eerily in the shade of the umbrella, his lips pursed as he said succiently “Little cattle, listen to your betters! Sivi’s teacher has already been notified! You did not see, but he is already waiting for his pupil, while scarfing down on tea and crumpets over there. You be a good OBEDIENT little dear and do as my lord orders!”

Mary gulped, the fear in her eyes only increasing as she bowed her head, her long locks of blonde falling in front of her face, nodding meekly without saying anything else, she scurried off to fetch her mistress’s treat.

The air was gently, humid and breezy as the Mizami family dined on their tea and biscuits, talk was minimal as the little Mizami vampiress found herself immediately sipping tea like a good little girl and primly eating a blueberry crumpet. The taste felt bitter in her mouth though, as she was not enjoying this at all. It felt like a ticking time bomb to her, the countdown to the horrible fate she knew was coming. As she wiped a cotton napkin against her mouth, she heard the telltale CLIP, CLIP of hooves approaching, she wanted to cry out to dive onto her mother to prevent her leaving.

Instead, she saw Malik coming primly with an umbrella in hand, he opened it with a small POP and walked easily over to Mistress Mizami, bowing regally to her he murmured “Your ride awaits my lady.” he then took her slim hand and kissed it softly, helping her up. He then nodded to Raoul, a signal that his words were about to be done. The pair began to walk to a waiting carriage shrouded in a black cloth. Two black stallions were whinnying and stomping impatiently as the driver, a little demon with a red top hat bowed and said “I shall take Lady Mizami to market.”

However, that never happened, it only seemed like minutes, but really was only mere seconds; before the umbrella shading Sivienna’s mother disappeared. Malik returning back to the safety of shadows through a simple portal he had called before tossing the umbrella away.

Screams could be heard, loud, fearful issuing from the beautiful vampriess throat. An instant later, Sivi herself was running out to her burning mother, she could see bright orange flames engulfing her beloved mother in an instant. Her little arm reached out trying to grasping her mother’s burning hands. As she felt death licking at her own body to, tears were falling like rain from her lavender orbs, as her mouth finally worked as she screamed “MOMMY NO! DON’T DIE PLEASE! I NEED YOU! I LOVE YOU!” she could feel her body dancing with flames, the hand of death ready to claim her as well.

The tears continued to splash as she tried to connect with her mother’s slowly turning to ash body, fear was in her heart as she wanted to save her dear sweet mother. Instead she was saved, a dark red blanket covering her slowly burning form as a familiar voice hissed “God dammit dear! To impulsive! Don’t you listen to anything I ever teach you Miss Sivi?” Draistol drawled, before he turned eyeing Lord Mizami angrily. The perverted instructor said no words, just simply disappeared with Lady Mizami’s young daughter, knowing full well that death had been what Raoul had wanted for his unwanted wife and rebellious, non-moldable daughter.

The sultry night angel’s mind was beginning to clear, she could feel grass beneath her body, could smell the scorched wind from the battle between her father’s demon and her dragon. She could still feel the cold, unfeeling after affect of her father’s shadow hands. She could also feel anger, rage swelling in her heart. The last fleeting memory of her mother’s death was in her mind. Her perverted instructor saving her, saying does she ever follow his teachings?

I do Master Draistol…. Her mind screamed hotly, as she could feel heat licking all around her body. She looked a sight a flaming vindictive ghost rising up from the grassy plane, almost instinctively her lavender orbs fell on her father’s rising form. You could feel the humidity pulse against the grassy plane, as bright purple flames begin to snake their way around the night vixen’s normally soft hands.

Gauntlets of fire, bright, purple and shining wrapped around Sivienna’s fists. Her eyes flashed as the flames died down from her body. Her voice was fierce filled with rage as she shrieked “Fuck you father! Now I know the truth of why mom died! You never wanted her, BUT! YOU NEARLY KILLED ME TOO! MASTER DRAISTOL SAVED ME! “ her voice quieted as she finished “Now time for some payback!”

Feeling the remnants of her new spell flash fiercely, the agile dancer charged at her father’s risen form. Shock was in his eyes as he was cobbling himself back together from his tangle with Seth. Blazing fists begin to punch and hit every part of his body. As his angered daughter was holding nothing back, once again he was knocked back, heated flaming wrapping around his body as he begin to light up like a torch. Shock was in his voice as in a weak, dazed voice he asked “What did you learn my brat? What hidden spell is this that the flames can tear into my body.”

Sivienna grinned like a cat as she purred “Hell’s inferno, one spell Master Draistol never got a chance to teach me. I never had enough anger, rage to learn it. You father gave me that gift! So, thank you AND GO TO HELL! BURN LIKE YOU MEANT ME TO WITHER AND DIE!” Sivi screamed as she did one more fierce punch to her father’s gut. Sending him flying against a giant gray shaped rock, as the flames lit his body up like the morning sun.

Turning to tiredly grin at Seth she whispered “That should do it…” her flaming fists slowly died away as she gasped and murmured “Reliving how I learned my resistance to sunlight sure is a bitch…”