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  1. #11

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    She left him at the base of the rock, patting his hind quarters to send him plundering off into the low hills alone. His hoof prints and presence would confuse her pursuers for some time as she made the rest of the way on foot. Now, she couldn't stop though - she had to keep on going and go underground to hide. She had to rely on her own stamina, not that of another animal.

    But he had taken her across the land for almost a whole hard day's gallop, and she had to thank the beast for that. At least he was free now, and he would be able to drink, feed and rest soon if destiny was kind to him. Now though her journey had to continue, and despite the fact she was hungry, thirsty and exhausted, she simply had to go on.

    Into the darkness and uncertainty.

    Her instincts were correct. The shadows did hold a thin vein of a cave. Being skinny and small she was a perfect fit to squeeze between the jagged edges. Celandine angled herself around a sharp outcrop, gritting her teeth and ducking down under a ledge before managing to get into the darkness proper. Almost immediately she felt the dampness that clung to the inside of old cavern systems. Saltiness was heavy in the air, so close that she could feel it in the back of her throat, like a scratchiness that would not go away.

    She squinted in the shadows, narrowing her eyes to try to see more, but she was not exactly accustomed to such a dim light. Yes, she had spent three weeks adventuring through the caves and mines initially to firstly rescue the sailors who had brought her to these shores, and then find a safe route to Sanctuary, but those times she had been prepared and had a torch. This adventure had given her no such choice, such as it was with the demon attack on the camp and the chaotic travel over the fields. She cursed quietly in faunish, which she rarely used, and tried taking a few steps but found her foot almost immediately slipping into a narrow stream.

    "Drys," she growled and began to head back towards the crevice crack.

    But then - the horse's hooves. Their whinnies, and the grunts of their riders. They had gotten much closer, perhaps only just out of the sight of the low hills. It made the young scholar stop dead in her tracks, knowing that where she was was safe, and going onwards was her only possible way forwards.

    "Fine, fate," she grumbled to herself, and checked her belongings. Firstly - yes, the sword was still at her back. Secondly - the small bundle of books was at her waist. But she had a knife and some cloth …

    Grabbing the closest thing to a torch she could find - a short and stumpy, old and very dead branch - she tore off some of her outer layer, wrapped it around the stick a couple of times and just hoped the air wasn't too damp. Grabbing one of the only things she knew to always have - spark rocks - she tried and -

    Light. Brilliant light. That illuminated the wide cave around her, with a channel leading down and away deeper into the darkness, a meandering old stream as a guide. Luck was on her side.

    Taking a deep breath, Celandine nodded to herself and began to walk.

    Deeper. Darker. Into more danger.

    But perhaps luck was with her.

    Internally, the scholar followed the memories of the map, finding that she was almost able to precisely remember the routes that had been marked on Raimneth's old papers. The more she thought, the more the memories seemed to jump to her aid, as if by some deeper magic, or perhaps more of her blessing from the tree goddess Drys, the one whom her mother was a high priestess of and whom Celandine had seen many times in her dreams. The harder Celandine imagined the more the image came to her as clear as if the map was right in front of her. Suddenly, precisely, she knew where to go, the knowledge dawning like the break of day.

    Grasping the base of her ridiculous torch the faun set ahead with full determination.

  2. #12

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    She found natural light at where her memory had exactly told her to find it. An old well, long dried up and connected to the old systems via its channels. It came up in an old village at the edge of the land surrounding Sanctuary, no use to any demon army, for its inhabitants had departed many decades before.

    Abandoning the torch in the damp ground and seizing the stones that made an awkward path Celandine clambered her way up the side of the widely based construction, finding like all sensible things in Alerar it was not a death trap if one fell in but a rudimentary narrow set of steps had been built into the curves. Using the hooves that had already served in clambering up the shale to get to the goat, and that had allowed her such good grip in the past few weeks and days, the scholar gained to the top of the shaft, her lip swelling with how much she was chewing on it. It was only at the top that a mighty flash of exhaustion threatened to overtake her. After all she had had barely any sleep, any rest, any time to stop and find water and food before she had needed to just keep going.

    Just keep going. Just keep going . Just keep bloody going, van der Aart Rameses!

    Unable to contain herself she cried out. The hours and hours of riding and then trawling through caves were impossible to comprehend. So little rest, so little peace. And all by herself now, with the dwarves and Vanimar long now behind her. Whatever had become of them she didn't know. Of course the dark elf stung the most, just when he had called her perfect.

    "Damn it all," Celandine moaned. "Damn it all to high Tular!"

    The wind seemed to pick up the word. It blustered at the lip of the well, whistling around as it caught up in the depths of the rounded walls. "Tular!" it replied, ghastily, "Tuuu-lllarrr!"

    "Oh shut up," she rolled her eyes, and bit back the tears that had been so ready to roll down her face. Never mind the fact she had barely eaten. Never mind the fact she could be striding directly into doom. This was her mission, her task. She was the only one now who could complete this process, who could win the war.

    But what if the Sanctuary had already been overtaken? What if the demons had effectively won? What if she couldn't even get from this distant well to the entrance of the sewers and clamber her way back up the poop and slime into the latrines, providing the demon army hadn't even found that entrance yet to it, provided Commander Raimneth was still alive, provided she could get past any squadrons of scouting fiery bastards. Provided.

    "Ugh," she shook herself, sucking in her breath. She hadn't even looked yet. Growling past the shaking her body was threatening due to the lack of nutrients she forced her willpower to the forefront and used that to hoist herself up and over the final part of the stone.

    What she saw was … exactly what she had expected. Emptiness. Nothing but scrub land and an old village overtaken by nature, nestled in some low hills. And beyond it, vast and unmoving in the middle distance was Sanctuary, with it's dark and granite monolithic structure standing whole and immortal.

    Letting out a satisfied sigh Celandine fell back, allowing herself just this moment to collapse in the grass. Despite the very hard diagonal brace at her back and the heavy oblong at her waist she felt far more comfortable and easy with herself than she had done in some time. A smile crept over her lips - so much worrying and she had not even celebrated the fact she had got this far. Sanctuary was just there - just there - and she had gotten so far by herself. She didn't need to panic, she didn't need to worry just now. Raimneth would have held the fortress, despite all odds. After all they had barely seen any demons in the Jagged Mountain camp, and it had all gone -

    "Where did you hear it?" came a voice from overhead.


    "Ff-" she scrambled to her hooves. Then, quick as her hungry self would allow Celandine darted into the mouth of the closest building. It still had most of its roof intact, and there were still the markings of rooms. Shadows were aplenty, and the faun found herself more than enough cover to duck down and pretend like she had never been.

    "What did it say?" said the first voice, closer now. It came from the hills, the opposite side of where Sanctuary was. The accent was clear, very proper, but nothing was too distinct about it for Celandine to figure out any identity. Any simple civilisation, even demons, had a noble class, who spoke with received pronunciation.

    "Uhh … I heard 'ugghhh' and 'Tular' …"

    "Hmmm," the first paused for a moment, as if perusing around, perhaps looking for any signs of habitation. Celandine stayed where she was though, hidden and not daring to check where the probable enemy could be peering over the edge of the hills. She just hoped they did not have much sense of tracking to see her light impact in the dry ground.

    "Eh, come on," the first decided after a horribly long pause. "It'll just be the old well there, not the first time we've had tricks played on us. It's the bitter wind and-"

    The savage gale once more ripped across the small valley. It cut off the scout's words, and blew round and down the well. Echoing moans rose up, hungry and awakening the old myths of monsters, crying out, "hoowwlll!"

    "Fine," the second grumbled after a long pause. "Fine."

  3. #13

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    She gave herself another hour. The rest was very much needed, and she found at the bottom of a pocket some crumbs of dry, stale rations that at least would save her for just a small bit longer. Celandine hated to think what her mother would be wondering now - if she had sent out a full rescue parade and had summoned all the lords of Corone to go to war yet. Or perhaps the legendary Philomel van der Aart was stuck in arguments, trying everything to find a ship that would take her across the seas to the uncertain desolation that was now Alerar. Once upon a time the Matriarch had had a mighty boat herself, but it had long been claimed by a broken contingent of her Gilded Lily Society who preferred piracy above all.

    Finally, the wind died down, and after ensuring she had not heard any more voices or footsteps for at least ten minutes, Celandine emerged from her hiding place. Tightening the buckles on all her burdens she glanced about before heading directly for the shadowy walls of Sanctuary. At least if she was closer she'd be able to gain more of an understanding of just what was going on there, and what cards fate had dealt. Struggling up the side of the hill she focused on the brief amount of stealth training she had had in the three weeks of hunting the tunnels. Head low to the ground, ears pricked for any sound the tiny girl fled from the old abandoned town to the walls of the huge fortress.

    By the time she had gotten to the dark, looming cover of Sanctuary she heard wingbeats. There was no mistaking that sound, for there were no dark elves that she knew who could fly. They were much larger, denser and heavier than any normal bat or bird, and hit the air with a viciousness that only could speak of the power and blood hungry demons who had come to stake a claim on Alerar.

    Pressing herself right against the solid stone Celandine was horrified to see a swarm of human-sized demonic bodies not fly towards her but rather from within the walls themselves. And they didn't seem to be bloodied, beaten or running away. Instead they were regrouping, or scouting. Around ten of them as lumpy shadowy things carousing as they swept into the sky, with nothing chasing them. Latter, wicked and deadly, came from their throats as they gathered as a pack of wolves might and then flew out towards the plains. No shouts or arrows followed them, nothing to suggest they were being chased away. Celandine's heart sank as she imagined the worst - that Sanctuary, after all, had been taken by the demons.

    But it made her mission all the more important now. Whether Sanctuary had been completely overrun or partly overrun by demons her task was necessary. At least the attempt was. Small and slight and sneaky she was and getting into the fortress to finally place that new blade in the well was far more crucial. And if Vanimar had died, if those dwarves had given their lives for her …

    She barely wanted to think about it. Simply - she had to make their sacrifices worth the blood that had been spilt.

    Pulling in her breath the faun waited for the demons to be gone far away, off into the distance where they chittered and argued in their dark language. It was a stark contrast to that which she had in the abandoned village, with the well-spoken common tongue, but she could not afford to take any chances this close to the end.

    Once they were determined to be far enough away she moved, as silent as amateur skills allowed and as quick as possible, taking her energy levels into account. Hooves moved, books quietly thudded against her hip. Onwards she went towards where the end of the sewer was, that which she had used so many a time now.

  4. #14

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    Mud. Waste. Dire, horrid mess. But she had done this before and she was one of the only beings full of the willpower to travel this route.

    Whomever had been winning the war recently within Sanctuary had taken care to make the sewer route difficult. At various locations there were grates now, ones firmly but quickly cemented and welded in, but those only hindered the skinny thing she was. A simple squeeze and an intake of breath and all four feet and a few inches of her could slither between those bars, although admittedly it got more difficult the further in she went. And the grates would not stop those like imps - the little vicious demons that were scarcely more than flying rats. But at least any ground based incursion would be halted, with muscular warriors no longer able to scale the tunnels. There was one time Celandine had to kick her way through a bar, but so hastily had it been put in place that it was easy to find the weakest one and continue up the pathway.

    It was like the smelliest of labyrinths, but luckily this was one of the routes she knew all too well. The stink, after all, was by far the simplest thing to deal with in her misadventure. Fear and sacrifice lay behind her, exhaustion accompanied her, and dark uncertainties lay before her. Onwards she had to go, for it was only her now, that was the simply truth.

    Strangely fortune was on her side when Celandine gained to the latrines. The hole created by the dark elf warriors who had originally accompanied her, Vanimar and their noble friend Umbra was still there. The shattered toilet was still broken, and the old concrete of the waste room was piled high in a corner. Quickly glancing around Celandine found that there was no obvious presence in this place - likely due to the stink to high heaven that was more exposed now. It was unlikely this dungeon-like latrine was even used now, either by the dark elves who still held out or the demons who had taken over - if demons did indeed use the toilet.

    But she couldn't worry about that just now. She had gotten to Sanctuary, and the final task was within grasp. All she needed to do was get out of here, secretly make her way to the old hall of many steps and set the sword within the light of the well. Seal the portal, close it all, finish this all.

    Footsteps. Bloody footsteps.

    "Drys," she cursed, and pulled herself properly into the room. Then, moving over to where the door was she partly hid behind the cover of the wall and the ruined concrete and waited. Silently, soaking and soiled.

    The steps gained nearer. Thump, thump, they were the sound of boots. Heavy boots. Military boots. Warrior, a threat, danger!

    The door swung open, revealing a tall being in full silver armour. Celandine wasted no chances though as the being began to glance around. She barely looked at them, and threw herself into a run, dodging behind and into the long stone corridor that was before her. Leaving the guard behind she pushed herself hard, each hoofstep almost a leap as she rushed away, away from the creature, whoever and whatever they were. She simply had to get to the room with the dias. Had to - it was the only thing left now.

    She darted around a sharp corner, and this time came to direct contact with a warrior. But she gripped her will, and shoved an elbow into the unwitting beast, right where anyone who was anyone had some sensitivity. Her cry was loud and brutal, and the person groaned heavily, cursing loudly as she felt herself make contact with fabric and flesh. But still, she would not stop. She kept running, kept going. No matter what she had to keep going.

    "Wha-wait!" cried the being.

    But she was not going to be tricked by anyone else. Soon they would raise the alarm that she was here, and soon many foes would be at her heels. The room containing the well and the numerous steps leading to it was not too far away. She simply had to get up a flight of stairs, and then through a wooden door.

    Grabbing her needles finally from her hair where they had been pinning it back for hours now Celandine focused only on forwards. Who cared if she gained the attention of every being here - Vanimar had given himself for her, and now she would give herself for this country who had taken her in. Gritting her teeth she took the stairs two at a time and met a fully helmed warrior whom she stabbed sharply in the eye and then a snarling black dog. She kicked it away and ignored it as it whimpered loudly in agony. The stairs were done then, now the corridor, then the door.

    Which she slammed through, jeering, roaring, eyes ablaze.

    Empty. It was bloody, luckily empty. Why - why? Why would demons - or dark elves for that matter - leave this room unguarded? The well lay in the middle of the room without any light, but blocked up with a new, heavy iron grate across it, but right before her.

    Simple, open, unguarded. What - who - what?!

    There was not even a noticeable magical aura. But it was the only place she knew to place the sword. Dropping her needles directly Celandine savagely threw off her coat and then dragged the short shining sword from its sheath. Running her tongue across her dry lips she faced the well and the series of stairs leading up to it, still confused but wondering why she was waiting. Why she had paused, why she had stumbled here, at the last. Why? What was it that was stopping her? Why?

    A thud. The sound of the door behind her opening. Loud feet stopped short as they took in her presence, her stature, her sword.

    "What - what -?!"

    It was now or never.

    She screamed. A terrifying, haunting scream. Racing forwards she did not give fate a chance. No enemy or traitor would stop her now, no one. Raising the sword above her head Celandine rushed up the steps, crying like there was no tomorrow, ignoring completely the being behind her. More feet suggested more warriors charging into the room, but they would not get her. They wouldn't. They couldn't. Because this was the moment, this was her moment, her destiny, the end of the tragedy. His loss wouldn't be in vain.

    "What are you-"

    "Drys!" Celandine cried, tears flooding from her eyes. She leapt. Fearlessly, desperately, manically. And, with the audience behind her she struck the blade down - down - down -

    Right between the lattice work of the grate.

    Right into the depths of the dark well.

    Right down, so it hung heavily.

    Right where the blade would now find home.

    There was an unearthly, uncertain silence. Daintily, the blade swung slightly, the crossbars supporting the hilt as Celandine stood over it, her own hooves shaking as they stood on either side of the walls of the well, just staring down to where she had finally placed her burden.

    All was still. All was quiet.

    And then -

    Suddenly - a blaze of light, like the birth of a new star springing up from the shaft of the well, as bright as anything she had ever seen. Full of energy, full of bright white wonder, full of power.

    Celandine let out a cry. She fell back as her eyes were blasted with the light, and threw up a hand to cover her face. Collapsing back she prepared to hit the horrid hard floor of the granite steps. But instead something caught her. Something unyielding, firm, but with kind arms that surrounded her ...

    As the shaft of light extended upwards into the sky, beyond the very roof of the ancient building and into the air like a resounding beacon, the young faun wearily gazed up at the being that had caught her. Friend or foe, she thought, at least she had completed her mission. At least if she was about to face a trial and then her death she had done it - found the metal, had the sword made and delivered it home. The portal was sealed, it was all …

    "Hello young scholar," a most amused voice murmured, raising his brow as the white dreadlocks fell about his coal black features. Slightly, the Commander smiled - then he chuckled.

    "Welcome back," Raimneth, the drow leader of Sanctuary told her.

    "And well done."
    Last edited by Celandine; 02-16-2022 at 01:30 PM.

  5. #15

    EXP: 1,484, Level: 1
    Level completed: 75%, EXP required for next Level: 516
    Level completed: 75%,
    EXP required for next Level: 516

    Preston's Avatar


    Preston Fletcher

    View Profile
    Judgment: Celandine

    Congratulations on getting to the Final’s of the 2021-2022 Adventurers Crown! I am excited to read your submission and compare it with your peers in this solo based round. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to reach out to me please feel free to do so!

    Plot - 24
    Your setting was well written to start, with flowing descriptions attached to it. The focus of your solo was obviously the story element, and through that you did not disappoint. I feel that your writing had the most depth when it came to what you wanted to show, but at the same time did not attempt to fix everything in a single go.

    Character - 22
    You had a good way of showing your character through the narrative over just saying what your character is like or was doing in general. I enjoyed the character’s hints at budding maturity as well as her still juvenile nature. Your dialogue was well done and the accents for the dwarves were still easy to follow and read.

    Prose - 23
    From the start the sentence structure felt a little long-winded at times, with some that came off as run-ons. Additionally, there are some small mechanical errors here and there. The bulk of the thread, in the middle, was very well written overall - it was mainly the very start and very end that suffered a little with clarity and a smooth read.

    Wild Card - 10

    Score: 79

    3000 exp | 1500 gold

  6. #16
    Head Admin

    Taskmienster's Avatar


    Valic Anebrilion

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    Exp and GP Added.

    Congrats on Level 4!

    As discussed, I am approving the special item below. You can change the name and properties, but let me know for approval:

    Sunstone Chalk: A piece of chalk made of the remnants of ore that was used to forge the item to seal the portal. This chalk can be used to create portals which allow the user transport themselves or items to a different location. The location is linked to the user's intention and the image drawn. These portals remain open for a maximum of 2 minutes, but can be closed by breaking the design to close early.

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