Judgment: Celandine

Congratulations on getting to the Final’s of the 2021-2022 Adventurers Crown! I am excited to read your submission and compare it with your peers in this solo based round. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to reach out to me please feel free to do so!

Plot - 24
Your setting was well written to start, with flowing descriptions attached to it. The focus of your solo was obviously the story element, and through that you did not disappoint. I feel that your writing had the most depth when it came to what you wanted to show, but at the same time did not attempt to fix everything in a single go.

Character - 22
You had a good way of showing your character through the narrative over just saying what your character is like or was doing in general. I enjoyed the character’s hints at budding maturity as well as her still juvenile nature. Your dialogue was well done and the accents for the dwarves were still easy to follow and read.

Prose - 23
From the start the sentence structure felt a little long-winded at times, with some that came off as run-ons. Additionally, there are some small mechanical errors here and there. The bulk of the thread, in the middle, was very well written overall - it was mainly the very start and very end that suffered a little with clarity and a smooth read.

Wild Card - 10

Score: 79

3000 exp | 1500 gold