Kalestiya studied the newcomer, noticing the way his gaze drifted upwards towards the balcony.

"We haven't found any stairs or passages leading up t?here," came Mirella's voice from behind her. Kalestiya glanced over her shoulder briefly, turning her attention back to the stranger as Mirella continued.

"But we haven't looked everywhere either," the female warrior reasoned.

Kalestiya watched as the stranger nodded, slowly taking a cautious step forward. A sign of trust, Kalestiya thought, a small smile gracing her lips. Turning her head to glance at Mirella, Kalestiya gave a slight nod, a sign that it was okay to lower her weapon. After all, Kalestiya sensed no ill intent from the stranger. She directed her attention toward him, her emerald eyes meeting his with a gentle curiosity. Within the depths of his gaze, she sensed an air of tranquility and serenity. With a silent hope that her companions could perceive the same, she offered the newcomer a reassuring smile, aiming to dispel any tension.

"Allow me to introduce myself," she began, her voice calm and welcoming. "I am Kalestiya," she continued, gesturing towards the two figures beside her. "And these are Aetos and Mirella," she added, indicating the duo of warriors. "Just as you've entered this room now, I met them under similar circumstances," she concluded, hoping to establish a sense of camaraderie.

"May I ask for you name perhaps? Or at the very least how you arrived in here?" Kalestiya inquired, her manner gentle and inquisitive.