As the tension escalated between the strong looking stranger and the guard, Kalestiya's heart pounded in her chest, her initial intrigue and curiosity morphing into genuine shock. Her wide eyes flitted between the two figures, unable to process the sudden turn of events.
"W-wait, what is going on? Please do not fight," she pleaded.

The guard's sword whizzed through the air, it's sharp edge aimed at the blue-skinned figure.

A crowd began to gather, their whispers crescendoing as curiosity drew them in closer. Anxiety gnawed at the pit of her stomach, yet against the uncertain backdrop, her voice emerged resolute. "Stop! Please, stop!" she called out, her words resonating with an urgent plea. Though her cautious instincts warred with her impulse to intervene, she took a faltering step forward. "This doesn't have to happen. We can find a peaceful solution," she implored, the melody of her healer's heart weaving through her words. Her trembling hands pressed tightly against her chest.

In her attempt to diffuse the escalating tension, Kalestiya's efforts were met with a hazy cloudiness that invaded her thoughts once more. She winced, fingers reflexively pressing against her temples. A soft moan escaped her lips, a fleeting memory or sensation clawing at the edges of her mind. What was this familiar sensation? it almost felt as if a foreign thought sought entry into her consciousness. The moment passed in a heartbeat, and she regained her composure.

Now situated amidst the growing throng, Kalestiya found herself surrounded by voices rising in both cheers and shouts. The unfolding drama between the enigmatic stranger and the guard had ignited a spark of fascination within the crowd, the fervor of their reactions heightened by the very spectacle they were witnessing.

Driven by instinct, Kalestiya sprinted toward the unfolding clash. She believed she could intercede and appeal to reason. But in that crucial moment, the guard, unaware of her approach, poised for another swing at his blue-skinned opponent.