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  1. #31

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    ~Two weeks later...~


    I...have avenged you...

    I took my place by your side as leader of House Krotar...

    I do not know if I can do this alone.

    I am afraid...

    "Father what troubles you?" Tharak son of Nosdyn asked his Father. He always found his Father so mysterious.

    Nosdyn was having a daydream. "I was thinking about my Father, your Grandfather." Nosdyn said calmly. They returned to Ealladra's house and the Children of N'Jal joined Ettermire proper. They were free of her grasp. Nosdyn considered something for the next few days. "You know...we have to rebuild House's legacy." Nosdyn explained. His Father had been a proud Demon that was killed by Nosdyn's own hands. At the orders of a rival house. Nosdyn had always wanted a chance to rebuild what was lost. He looked at his son. "We need to rebuild. N'Jal would have destroyed it all."

    His son considered. "Maybe..." He looked at his Father. "What if we make our own house?" Tharak son of Nosdyn suddenly said carefully.

    The idea lingered in the air a moment. Nosdyn responded. "That is a possibility." He looked at Kalestiya. "What will you do now my friend?" He asked of her.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 03-12-2024 at 05:46 PM.

  2. #32

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
    Level completed: 25%,
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    Kalestiya's Avatar


    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    In the days that followed, Kalestiya found herself under the careful watch of the Krotar household, where she was nursed back to full health. Amidst her recovery, she sought solace in one of her favorite pastimes: reading. Her curiosity, particularly piqued by the enigmatic Thayne, led her on a journey through pages of ancient texts.

    Amidst her physical recuperation, Kalestiya found herself plagued by unsettling night terrors. Nevertheless, she remained steadfast in her determination to overcome them.

    While residing at the Krotar residence, Kalestiya took it upon herself to assist Ealladra in maintaining the household's order and cleanliness. It was not only a gesture of gratitude but also an opportunity to explore more of Ettermire.

    One quiet afternoon, seated in her chamber, Kalestiya meticulously crafted a farewell letter, expressing her heartfelt gratitude for the warmth and care bestowed upon her. As she penned her thoughts, she reflected on the experiences shared with the Krotar family.

    Moments later, Nosdyn entered the room, his conversation with his son having just concluded. Turning to Kalestiya, he posed his question.

    "What will you do now, my friend?" he inquired.

    With a soft smile and a graceful curtsy, Kalestiya extended the letter to Nosdyn.

    "I wanted to give you this," she replied gently, her gaze meeting his as he unfolded the neatly folded paper.

    @>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~<@

    My Dearest Friends,

    As I pen these words, my heart swells with gratitude for the kindness and warmth you have
    bestowed upon me during my stay at the Krotar residence. In the wake of our shared trials
    and triumphs, I find myself overwhelmed with a sense of appreciation for each and every
    one of you.

    Ealladra, your gentle care and nurturing spirit have helped me recover in both mind and body.
    Your grace and strength have inspired me in more ways than I can express.

    Nosdyn, your steadfast friendship and unwavering support have meant more to me than I can
    convey. In your presence, I have found courage, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

    Tharak, your support for both your father and I have shown me that family bond can sometimes
    be stronger than steel. I appreciate all that you have done for me during the most trying of times.

    To the entire Krotar family, thank you for opening your home and your hearts to me.
    Your hospitality and generosity have touched me in ways I cannot fully articulate.

    With sadness in my heart, I must inform that the time has come for me to depart as I wish
    to resume my journey into the world. Though my time here has been brief, the memories we
    have created will remain engraved in my heart forever. As I embark on the next chapter of
    my journey, know that I carry each of you with me, always.

    With deepest gratitude and fondest wishes,

    ~ Kalestiya Brightheart

    @>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~<@
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-14-2024 at 07:38 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

  3. #33

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

    View Profile
    Godspeed my friend...

    The precepts of House Krotar stated that when a Soldier leaves the Tular Plains you said a prayer for them. Nosdyn considered that for a moment. He clutched the letter to his chest Ealladra opently wept as Kalestiya left. Nosdyn held her closely. The letter smelled like Kalestiya, it was driving him mad. He clutched the letter tightly.

    He looked at Lord Cool. "It is done." Nosdyn said that day. Light from the fireplace cast shadows across Nosdyn and Cool. And all present.

    One of the Undead walked up to Nosdyn. "What do we do now?"

    Nosdyn nodded. "We will rebuild House Krotar." Nosdyn paused a moment, something was troubling him. Was N'Jal truelly gone? Did we really defeat her? He thought to himself. "Ettermire has accepted us as citizens. We rebuild." Nosdyn told the Undead. "We will all have a new purpose now." He said carefully. Nosdyn was not one for grand speeches, he hated them but he was making the effort for his people.

    The undead, Thraxion, nodded. "I will convey the message my lord."

    Nosdyn had not realized it, but with N'Jal gone Nosdyn was not the official leader of the Undead.

    Sleeping in the House of Lady Ealladra was much better than sleeping on cave floors.

    Nosdyn looked at Cool. "We must speak of some matters."

    Cool agreed. "Of course Nosdyn."


    A time later...

    Nosdyn, Tharak and Cool were in a side study conversing.

    "What troubles you Nosdyn?" Cool asked.

    "When N'Jal was defeated she became as glass." Nosdyn frowned. "I used one of the shards of N'Jal to save Lady Kalestiya." He looked away for a moment. "Did I do something wrong here?"

    Cool considered. "If you used it to save her, perhaps N'Jal can do some good in the world."

    Nosdyn became serious. "I hope so..." He said.

    Tharak knew his Father. That tactical mind was always planning and coming up with strategy. Military minds knew no rest. "I will research the library if there are any tomes on Thayne shard."

    Nosdyn nodded. "Thank you boy." Nosdyn said calmly. He already missed his friend, Kalestiya. She was good company to keep in the house.

    A short time later, Nosdyn's son Ellsyn entered the library. "Father." He said. "Krotar Precept number 42 states you will not worry yourself to death." He grinned.

    Nosdyn hugged his son. He then looked at his other son, Tharak and Lord Cool. "We must prepare for the future. I think we can call OFF our war against the Thaynehood and worry about House Krotar." Nosdyn said calmly.

    Cool nodded. "I'm in agreement here."

    With N'Jal's death the world of Althanas breathed a sigh of relief.

    With N'Jal's death Nosdyn would know peace.

    With N'Jal's death Men and Demons could co exist.


    Spoils request: Me and Kalestiya wish to canon make the death of N'Jal completely canon. That's all I want out of this thread. We were gonna do a boss battle but I think currently Alth lacks the community for a dedicated boss battle. All I want officially is the deaht of N'Jal here. And the title Thayne Slayer.

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