Cain grinned there was nothing like warm practice to get the blood pumping, his cutter crew was pulling on their oars so hard that they were bending chasing the whale and Rizland Firestorms jolly boat. Dipping his hand into the water he retrieved one of the harpoons that had been dumped out of the cutter and let his eyes focus on the killer whale. "Stretch it out!" he hollered encouragingly to his crew. "Come on!!!"

Looking over at Rizlands jolly boat he noticed that the line that was feeding out from it had started to smoke and was about to say something about it when Rizland ordered "douse that rope before it catches fire!" Water was splashed on the harpoon line as the chase continued. Every pull of the cutters oars got it that much closer while at the same time Rizlands jolly boat was pushing their oars making every effort to slow the massive killer whale down and tire it out.

At Cain's maximum range Cain sent his third harpoon flying. It struck home through its tail the harpoon line feeding through the front of the cutter at a rapid pace. The cutter crew pushing on their oars. The killer whale took a hard turn and dived, this made Cain grin a grim toothy smile the killer whale made a mistake. Finally the killer whale tired and began slowly to surface. Both boat crews began hauling the beast to the surface while at the same time pulling their respective boats towards the whale.

When the killer whale surfaced Mr. Grimhand drove his lance into its blow hole before rowing the massive creature back to the Peregrine to be processed.