He made his way back to the large tree built house that was his family's ancestral home.

His family had lived there for generations. His Father, Ellurioth and his Mother Maellaranth. Were proud followers of the old ways. (Renaming some npc's due to forgetting the original names) Elthas helped feed their village and keep them strong. The ways of the Humes were known to their people by that point and they had messengers coming from Radasanth all of the time by that age. Elthas breathed a sigh of relief and entered the large house. His family was one of the more prosperous Lords and Ladies in the Elvish city. Once a village, by reckoning a city by that point.

He greeted his family members warmly and retired to his room. It had been hours of hunting. They provided livestock not just for the Forest Elves but for several nearby villages in tandem. Corone, just like many other Hume citie states had propsered by that age. Elthad had grown strong and was mature for an Elf of that time period.

He alwayas longed for more, eager for the next adventure. He retired to his room after greeting his parents after the long work week. It was taught to them by the Humes of Corone proper. There was open trade and commerce between the great Nations. Still, Elthas always thought of the Black Shadow. What enemy could have sent me such a fearsome foe? Often Elthas thought of the Black Shadow, something about the way that man fought was hauntingly familiar.

Where have I seen that combat style before? Thought as he might the answers eluded him. It was maddening until he finally fell asleep that night...