And then their business was back on track.

“I will convene with the Senate to see their approval for the emissary. It will not take long, but soliciting the services of an ona-san, a house mistress, will take much more effort.” Lillith said, as she pointed into the distance. Philomel tilted her head, frowning until she saw what the Akashiman did. A 'meiko' - a trainee version of a geisha - walking through the crowds with her head held high. “A disguise will be our only hope of getting you two into the haven.”

A disguise. Immediately Philomel thought of herself in all the glory of Akashiman traditional dress and began to smile. Despite all her adventures, that was one thing she had never managed to do.

“We get make-up?” Shinsou said as he frowned. Blinking, Philomel considered the statement for a moment, then grinned widely as she realised what that meant for him.

Yes, she quietly rejoiced. And then she looked at the geisha. Because she had to be one herself.

“What about you Lilith?”

"Lye knew my face, but recent events have worked in our favour. He won’t know it’s me until the tanto is in his heart.” Philomel nodded, agreeing. For herself a kimono would cover her legs, and a well-placed headpiece could conceal, or make decoration of her horns and tapered ears. It would be a perfect disguise for them all, with white paint and glory. A single way to get them into the comfort of the Seventh Sanctum without needing to fight.

Lillith went on; “I also need to speak to the Spirit-Warder Consul. We can’t take too many citizens, if it goes awry, the only blood to be spilled will be of those willing to fight.”

“Won’t a small procession raise suspicion?” Shinsou seemed doubtful.

“Oh, don’t worry. It won’t be small. I shall meet you both at the Outlander’s Post in the Okiya district. Do you remember where I showed you the cherry blossoms around the lake?”

A small nod from Shinsou, and a confused one from Philomel. She thought for a moment, and realised that they must have wandered off a short distance when she had been busy comforting Delath. It was a little matter, and the faun was certain she remembered something of a garden just behind the street they were on.

Lillith gave a fond smile, then turned in a twirl of silk and embroidery.