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  1. #8
    I'm Asking you Icely

    EXP: 33,893, Level: 7
    Level completed: 87%, EXP required for next Level: 1,107
    Level completed: 87%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,107

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    Ashla Rose Icebreaker
    Human/Elf Hybrid

    View Profile
    While Felicity picked up a fight with her own shield, Ashla faced a secondary attack. The black katana this man summoned out of nowhere was an inverted contrast to the yellow sands surrounding them. No relief of the hate came from wind or rain. As sweat collected on the ice mage's back, she rose from the ground as he expertly wielded his Akashiman sword. A heavy but percise blow was aimed at her left hand.

    Ashla was facing immediate regrets about entering even a sand arena without her delyn plated gauntlets.

    In her elvish speed, she lowered her hand-in-a-half sword in just enough speed to avoid losing her dominant hand, but the heavy impact at the hilt sent shockwaves that caused her to drop her weapon immediately. As the grains of broken rock cushioned the damascus weapon's fall, Ashla quickly decided to distance herself from this master of the unorthodox.

    Despite the discomfort the hot desert floor caused, Ashla pushed herself to summer salt away. Landing about forty paces away from his footing, she pulled out her steel dagger. Really, her crosspistol would be useless against someone capable of teleporting. He obviously mastered both melee and missile combat. He was powerful enough to evade and throw back two opponents at once...

    ... as Ashla and Felicity were both at some form of disadvantage.
    Last edited by Ashla; 11-25-2017 at 03:45 PM.

    "I did what I had to do! Nobody was taking care of these murderers, slavers, robbers! The Rangers weren’t! The Bladesingers weren’t! Somebody had to do something! So I did. And I will extract justice onto every criminal in the world until there is only the good guys. I tried using mercy and compassion. Those don’t work. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I will take every measure necessary to save the world.” ~ Ashla Icebreaker.

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